Iesu gyda'th Eglwys bydd

Jesus with Thy Church abide

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18;  1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18;  1,3,4,5,10,12.
(Litani - Ar yr Eglwys)
Iesu gyda'th Eglwys bydd,
Yn ei dal o ddydd i ddydd,
Dan bob treial nertha'i ffydd:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Dal hi'n mreichiau'th gariad cu,
Bydd yn gadarn Dwr o'i thu,
Cynnal hi'n mhob trallod du:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Bydded bur ei dysg a'i moes,
Cymhorth, nertha hi dan loes
Gan ei denu at Dy groes:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Arwain hi â niwl a thân,
Cadw'i gwisg a'i llwybr yn lân,
Llanw'i genau hi â chân:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Boed ei llais yn eglur rydd,
I bregethu'r Farn a fydd,
A'r Iachawdwr ini sydd:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Cyfod ei hadwyau hi,
Dwg Dy Deml i newydd fri,
Yno'th wên amlyga Di:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Datod rwymau'i gwddf yn rhydd,
Lladd ymryson, nertha'i ffydd,
Moes Dy hedd o ddydd i ddydd:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Cymod ein dadleuon chwith,
Plana gariad yn ein plith,
Diosg ni o bob twyll a rhith:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Gostwng dan ein traed o hyd,
Chwantau'r cnawd,
    a swyn y byd,
Dichell Satan a'i holl hud:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Mewn athrawiaeth bydded un,
Un mewn cariad yn gytun,
Un mewn ffydd yn Nghrist ei Hun:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Arwain b'o y dall i dŷ,
Ceisio y colledig lu,
Rhwymo'r ysig galon dru:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Cadw ar ei hallor lân
Byth i losgi'r nefol dân,
Cadw'n fyw ei melys gân:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Moes i'w holl Offeiriaid aidd;
Porthi boent, a
    gwylio'r praidd,
Cadw, gwarchod rhag pob blaidd:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Boed eu 'siampl
    un â'u hiaith,
Boed eu gweddi gyda'u gwaith,
Yn blaenori'r praidd trwy'u taith:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Pura'th Eglwys, sancteiddhâ,
Chwal ei hofn, ei ffydd cryfhâ,
A'i huwchafiaeth lawn nesâ:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Yn ei hympryd nertha hon,
A chysura'i hathrist fron,
Hyd nes daw'r Priodfab llon:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Gwna hi'n gymhwys,
    hardd ei gwedd,
I fwynhau tragwyddol hedd,
Byth wrth fwrdd y nefol wledd:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.

Drindod Sanctaidd, ddiwahân,
Dad, a Mab, ac Yspbyd Glan,
Yn ein gweddi, mawl, a'n cân:
  Arglwydd grasol clyw ni.
Yn ei dal :: Cynnal hi
Arglwydd grasol clyw ni :: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu
a'i llwybr :: a'i gyrfa
Cyfod :: Llanw
Dwg Dy Deml :: Moes i'th Deml
Yno'th wên amlyga :: Yno d'air amlyga
Diosg ni o bob twyll :: Ymlid ymaith dwyll
bydded un :: byddwd un
Un mewn cariad :: Pawb mewn cariad
ffydd yn Nghrist ei Hun :: ffydd ym Mab y Dyn
Byth i losgi'r :: Fythol wres dy
Porthi boent, :: Porthi ŵyn
'siampl un â'u :: buchedd fel eu
Pura'th Eglwys :: Pura d'Eglwys
huwchafiaeth :: huchafiaeth
Hyd nes daw'r :: Oni ddaw'r
ein gweddi, mawl, a'n :: ein gweddi, yn ein

cyf. Hymnau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

Tonau [7776]:
Culbach (Heilige Seelenlust 1657)
Innocents (The Parish Choir 1850)
St Bees (John B Dykes 1823-76)
  Thorne-Falcon (alaw Seisnig)

(Litany - On the Church)
Jesus, be with thy Church,
Holding her from day to day,
Under every trial strengthen her faith:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Hold her in the arms of thy dear love,
Be a firm Tower on her side,
Support her in every black trouble:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

May her teaching and her morals be pure,
Help, strengthen her under anguish
While drawing her to the cross:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Lead her with cloud and fire,
Keep her clothing and her path clean,
Fill her mouth with a song:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

May her voice be clearly fluent,
To preach the judgment that is coming,
And the Saviour that is for us:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Lift her gates,
Bring thy temple to a new renown,
Then make evident thy smile:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Undo the bonds of her neck freely,
Kill conflict, strengthen her faith,
Give thy peace from day to day:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Reconcile our awkward arguments,
Plant love amongst us,
Save us from all deception and pretence:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Humble beneath our feet always,
The lusts of the flesh,
    and the enchantment of the world,
The guile of Satan and all his charm:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

In teaching may she be one,
One in love in agreement,
One in faith in Christ himself:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

May the blind be led home,
Seek the lost host,
Bind the precious broken heart:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Keep upon her holy altar
Forever to burn the heavenly fire,
Keep alive her sweet song:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Give to all her priests zeal;
May they be feeding and
    watching over the flock,
Keeping, saving from every wolf:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

May their example be one
    with their language,
May their prayer be with their work,
Leading the flock through their journey:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Purify thy Church, sanctify her,
Destroy her fear, strengthen her faith,
And bring her full exaltation near:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

In her fasting strengthen her,
And comfort her sad breast,
Until the cheerful Bridegroom comes:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Make her competent,
    beautiful in appearance,
To enjoy eternal peace,
Forever at the table of the heavenly feast:
  Gracious Lord hear us.

Sacred, undivided Trinity,
Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit,
In our prayer, praise, and our song:
  Gracious Lord hear us.
Holding her :: Support her
Gracious Lord hear us :: Hear us, Lord Jesus
and her path :: and her course
Lift :: Fill
Bring thy temple to :: Give to thy temple
Then make evident thy smile :: Then make evident thy word
Save us from all deception :: Chase away deception
may she be one :: may we be one
One in love :: All in love
faith in Christ himself :: faith in the Son of Man
Forever to burn the :: The everlasting heat of thy
May they be feeding, :: Feeding the lambs
example ... one with their :: conduct ... like their
our prayer, praise, and our :: our prayer, in our

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

Jesus, with Thy Church abide,
Be her Saviour, Lord, and Guide,
While on earth her faith is tried:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

Save her love from growing cold,
Make her watchmen strong and bold,
Fence her round, thy peaceful fold:
  We beseech thee, hear us.

Keep her life and doctrine pure,
Help her, patient, to endure,
Trusting in Thy promise sure:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

Arm her soldiers with the cross,
brave to suffer toil or loss,
counting earthly gain but dross:
we beseech thee, hear us.

May her voice be ever clear,
Warning of a judgment near,
Telling of a Saviour dear:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

All her fettered powers release
Bid our strife and envy cease,
Grant the heav'nly gift of peace:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

All that she has lost, restore,
May her strength and zeal be more
Than in brightest days of yore:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

Judge her not for work undone,
Judge her not
    for fields unwon,
Bless her works in Thee begun:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

May she one in doctrine be,
One in truth and charity,
Winning all to faith in Thee:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

May she guide the poor and blind,
Seek the lost until she find,
And the broken-hearted bind:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

May her lamp of truth be bright,
Bid hear bear aloft its light
Through the realms of heathen night:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

May her priests Thy people feed,
Shepherds of the
    flock indeed,
Ready, where Thou call'st, to lead:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

Raise her to her calling high,
Let the nations far and nigh
Hear Thy heralds' warning cry:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

May she holy triumphs win,
Overthrow the hosts of sin,
Gather all the nations in,
  We beseech Thee, hear us.

May she thus
    all glorious be,
Spotless and from wrinkle free,
Pure and bright, and worthy Thee:
  We beseech Thee, hear us.


1871 Thomas Benson Pollock 1836-96

Tunes [7776]:
Clay's Litany (Frederic E Clay 1840-89)
Litany (Frederick A J Hervey 1846-1910)
Zug (John B Dykes 1823-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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