Iesu mewn gogoniant (Gostwng glust yn awr)

Jesus high in glory

Iesu, mewn gogoniant,
  Gostwng glust yn awr;
Clyw Dy blant yn canu
  Moliant ar y llawr.

Er mor sanctaidd ydwyt,
  Frenin mawr y nef;
Ti ymgrymi i wrando 
  Mawl ein llafar lef.

Eiddil blant sydd yma,
  Am ymdroi o dre';
Gadw ni, O! Arglwydd,
  Ar y ffordd i'r ne'.

Gwared ni rhag pechu,
  Dal ni nos a dydd;
Tyn ni â Dy gariad,
  Rhag pob drwg yn rhydd.

Yna, pan y geilw
  Iesu arnom fry;
Llawen fydd ein hateb,
  "Deuwn, Brynwr cu."
Gostwng glust :: Gwrando'n llef
Tyn ni â Dy :: Tyn ni oll â'th
pan y geilw :: pryd y geilw

cyf. Hymnau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

[Mesur: 6565]

Jesus, in glory,
  Bow an ear now;
Hear thy children singing
  Praise on the earth below.

Although so holy thou art,
  Great King of heaven;
Thou dost stoop to listen to
  The praise of our vocal cry.

Feeble children are here,
  Tending to turn away from home;
Keep us, O Lord,
  On the road to heaven.

Deliver us from sinning,
  Hold us night and day;
Draw us with thy love,
  From every evil readily.

Then, when Jesus
  Calls upon us above;
Joyful shall be our answer,
  "We are coming, dear Redeemer."
Bow an ear :: Listen to our cry
Draw us with thy :: Draw us all with thy

Jesus, high in glory,
  Lend a listening ear;
When we bow before Thee,
  Children's praises hear.

Though Thou art so holy,
  Heav'n's almighty King,
Thou wilt stoop to listen
  When Thy praise we sing.

We are little children,
  Weak and apt to stray;
Saviour, guide and keep us
  In the heav'nly way.

Save us, Lord, from sinning;
  Watch us day by day;
Help us now to love Thee;
  Take our sins away.

Then when Jesus calls us
  To our heav'nly home,
We will gladly answer,
  Saviour, Lord, we come.

Harriet Burn McKeever 1807-87

Tune [6565]: North Coates (Timothy R Matthews 1826-1910)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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