I fyny at fy Nuw

  I fyny at fy Nuw,
    Fy enaid cwyd dy lef
  Heibio'r auraidd lu,
    I entrych nef y nef:
Gostwng dy glust o'r bryniau fry,
O Arglwydd grasol, Cofia fi.

  'Rwy' yma'n wael fy ngwedd,
    Yn euog ac yn wan,
  Gelynion creulon sy'n
    Fy amgylchu y'mbob man;
Bydd i mi'n blaid i goncro'r llu,
O Arglwydd grasol, Cofia fi.

  Yn wyneb uffern ddu,
    Ac augau mawr ei rym,
  Rho i mi nerth wrth raid,
    Bydd di yn nodded im':
Yn nyfroedd cry'r Iorddonen ddu,
O Arglwydd grasol, Cofia fi.

             - - - - -

  I fyny at fy Nuw,
    Fy enaid cod dy lef
  Uwchlaw yr euraidd lu,
    I eithaf nef y nef:
Gostwng dy glust o'r bryniau fry,
O! Arglwydd grasol, cofia fi.

  'R wyf yma'n wael fy ngwedd,
    Yn euog ac yn wan,
  Gelynion creulon sydd
    O'm hamgylch ym mhob man:
Bydd imi'n blaid yn erbyn llu,
О! Arglwydd grasol, cofia fi.

  Yn ŵyneb uffern ddu,
    Ac augau mawr ei rym,
  Rho imi nerth wrth raid,
    Bydd Di yn nodded im:
Yn nyfroedd cryf Iorddonen ddu,
O Arglwydd grasol, cofia fi.
David Charles 1803-80
Hymnau o Fawl i Dduw ac i'r Oen 1808

Tonau [666688]:
Croft's 136th (William Croft 1676-1727)
Dolgellau (alaw Gymreig)
Gwladys (alaw Gymreig)
Louvain (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
Llwydcoed (E T Davies 1878-1969)
Rehoboth (W Pencerdd Williams 1856-1924)
Carmel/Tyndal (T Tallis / E J Stephen)

  Up to my God,
    My soul, lift up thy cry!
  Past the golden host,
    To the vault of the heaven of heaven:
Lower thy ear from the hills above,
O gracious Lord, "Remember me."

  I am here in a poor condition,
    Guilty and weak,
  Cruel enemies are
    Around me everywhere;
Be on my side to conquer the host,
O gracious Lord, "Remember me."

  In the face of black hell,
    And death which has great force,
  Give me strength when needed,
    Be thou a refuge for me:
In the strong waters of the black Jordan,
O gracious Lord, "Remember me."

                - - - - -

  Up to my God,
    My soul, lift up thy cry!
  Above the golden host,
    To the utmost heaven of heaven:
Lower thy ear from the hills above,
O gracious Lord, remember me.

  I am here in a poor condition,
    Guilty and weak,
  Cruel enemies are
    Around me everywhere;
Be on my side to conquer the host,
O gracious Lord, remember me.

  In the face of black hell,
    And death which has great force,
  Give me strength when needed,
    Be Thou a refuge for me:
In the strong waters of black Jordan,
O gracious Lord, remember me.

tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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