I Grewr santaidd yr holl fyd

(Mawl i'r Creadwr)
I Grewr santaidd yr holl fyd,
Rhoed dynolryw y mawl yn nghyd;
  Pob perchen llais derchafed lef,
  Mewn can lesmeiriol iddo ef.

Y ddaear llon a'r nefoedd fry,
Preswylfeydd miloedd fwy na rhi',
  Beth y'nt ond temlau eang iawn,
  I foli'r Crewr mawr yn llawn.

Yr haul y dydd, trwy yrfa faith,
Fynega'i foliant yn mhob iaith;
  Pan gilio'r haul, y lloer a'r ser
  Trwy'r nos
      gynaliant glodydd Ner.

Mellt a tharanau, awdwyr braw,
Y cenllysg oer, y gwynt a'r gwlaw,
  A phob creadur yn ei ryw,
  Sy'n d'weyd mai doeth a da yw Duw.

O! f'enaid deffro di i'r gwaith,
O ganmol mewn amgenach iaith,
  Ti gefaist ddawn na chawsant hwy,
  Defnyddia ef mewn clodydd mwy.
Y ddaear llon :: Y ddaear hon

cyf. Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Eaton (<1829)
  Gotha (<1845)
New Sabbath (<1835)
  Newcourt (John Rippon's Selection 1787)

(Praise to the Creator)
To the holy Creator of the whole world,
Let humankind render the praise together;
  Let Every possessor of a voice raise a cry,
  In an ecstatic song unto him.

The cheerful earth and the heavens above,
Thousands of dwelling places more than number,
  What are they but very wide temples,
  To praise the great Creator fully.

The sun of the day, through a vast course,
Displays his praise in every language;
  When the sun retreats, the moon and the stars
  Throughout the night
      support the praises of the Lord.

Lightning and thunder, authors of terror,
The cold hail, the wind and the rain,
  And every creature in its kind,
  Are saying that wise and good is God.

O my soul, awake thou to the work!
Of praise in more languages,
  Thou didst get a talent they did not get,
  Use it in greater praises.
The cheerful earth :: This earth

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

(Praise to Him)
To God the universal King,
Let all mankind their tribute bring;
  All that have breath, your voices raise,
  In songs of never-ceasing praise.

The spacious earth on which we tread,
And wider heavens stretch'd o'er our head,
  A large and solemn temple frame
  To celebrate its Builder's fame.

Here the bright sun, that rules the day,
As thro' the sky he makes his way,
  To all the world proclaims aloud
  The boundless sov'reignty
      of God.

When from his courts the sun retires,
And with the day his voice expires,
  The moon and stars adopt the song,
  And thro' the night the praise prolong.

But man endowed with nobler powers,
His God in nobler strains adores;
  His is the gift to know the song,
  As well as sing with tuneful tongue.

Samuel Stennett 1727-95
John Rippon's Selection 1787

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Appleton (William Boyce 1710-79)
Canonbury (1839 Robert Schumann 1810-56)
Cromer (John A LLoyd 1815-1874)
Duke Street (John Hatton 1710-93)
  Gotha (<1845)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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