I'n henwau gwael O Dduw ni pherthyn clod

(Salm 115 - Annogaeth i hyderu yn Nuw)
I'n henwau gwael, O Dduw,
    ni pherthyn clod;
I'th enw mawr dy hun
    gogonedd dod;
  Dy nerth, dy nawdd, dy wir,
      a'th iawnder maith,
  A bair dy foli
      mewn anfarwol iaith:
Goleua'r byd o'r nef,
    dy drigfan wiw,
Na chaed ynfydion ddweyd,
    'Pa le mae'ch Duw?'

O Israel dod ymddiried
    yn dy Dduw,
Dy gadarn borth
    a'th amddiffynfa yw:
  Canfydda'th gur,
      a'th drallodedig wedd,
  Dy riddfan clyw,
      adfera iti hedd:
Cysuron fyrdd
    sy'n ei wasanaeth Ef;
Dy gymhorth hael yw Duw,
    a'th darian gref.
cyf. Casgliad Morris Davies 1835

Tôn []: Mottram (<1829)

(Psalm 115 - Encouragement to boast in God)
To our base names, O God,
    belongs no acclaim;
To thy own great name
    may glory come;
  Thy strength, thy protection, thy truth,
      and thy vast righteousness,
  Shall cause thy praise
      in an undying language:
Light the world from heaven,
    does thy worthy dwelling,
May fools not say,
    'Where is your God?'

O Israel, come to trust
    in thy God,
Thy firm gate
    and thy stronghold he is:
  He perceives thy pain,
      and thy troubled countenance,
  Thy groaning he hears,
      he will restore to thee peace:
The comforts of a myriad
    who are serving Him;
Thy generous help is God,
    and thy strong shield.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Psalm 115 - The true God our refuge / Idolatry reproved)
1 Not to ourselves, who are but dust,
    Not to ourselves is glory due,
  Eternal God, thou only just,
    Thou only gracious, wise, and true.

2 Shine forth in all thy dreadful name;
    Why should a heathen's
        haughty tongue
  Insult us, and, to raise our shame, 
    Say, "Where's the God
        you've served so long?"

3 The God we serve maintains his throne
    Above the clouds, beyond the skies;
  Through all the earth his will is done;
    He knows our groans,
        he hears our cries.

7 O Isr'el! make the Lord thy hope,
    Thy help, thy refuge, and thy rest;
  The Lord shall build thy ruins up,
    And bless the people and the priest.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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