I'r hwn etholodd ni

(Mawl i'r Drindod)
  I'r hwn etholodd ni,
    Er cyn sylfaenu'r byd:
  I'r hwn a ddaeth heb fri,
    I'n prynu ni mewn pryd:
I'r hwn o'i ddawn a'n gwnaeth yn fyw,
Boed moliant gwiw, a diolch llawn.

  Bydd cariad mawr y Tad,
    Trwy'n holl ganiadau'n gwau;
  A rhoddwn i'r Mab rhad,
    Hosanna i barhâu:
Yn ddiwahan rho'wn foliant clau,
Byth i barhâu i'r Yspryd Glân.

  Angylion nefoedd lân,
    A'r seintiau yn gyttun,
  Rho'wch foliant gwiw ar gân,
    I'r Sanctaidd Dri yn Un:
Fel hyn bydd clôd a mawl o hyd
Pryd na chaiff byd, nac amser fod. 
Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810

[Mesur: 666688]

(Praise to the Trinity)
  To him who chose us,
    Since before the world's founding:
  To him who came without renown,
    To our timely redeemer:
To him who from his gift made us alive,
Be worthy praise, and full thanks.

  May the great love of the Father, be
    Through all our songs weaving;
  And let us give to the gracious Son,
    Hosanna to persist:
Unseparated let us render swift praise,
Forever to persist to the Holy Spirit.

  Ye holy angels of heaven,
    And ye saints in agreement,
  Render worthy praise in song,
    To the Sacred Three in One:
Thus shall be esteem and praise always
When there shall be neither world nor time.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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