I'r meusydd nefol fry lle rhed

Up to the fields where angels lie

1,2,3,(4,5),6;  1,3,6.
(Golwg ar Dduw yn ein marwhau i'r Byd)
I'r meusydd nefol fry lle rhed
Y dyfroedd bywiol pur ar led,
  Dymunai'm henaid 'hedeg 'nawr,
  Ond pechod sy'n ei wasgu lawr.

Dy werthfawr waed, anwylaf Grist,
All dynu'm holl euogrwydd trist,
  A thithau'r G'lomen nefol fwyn,
  All ar d'adenydd yno'm dwyn.

Pe gallwn esgyn fynu'r ne',
A gwel'd gogoniant llawn y lle,
  Mor fach, mor wael a fyddai'r byd
  A'i bethau yn fy nghyfri'i gyd.

Un olwg ar fy Nuw a wnai
Deyrnasoedd byd ddiflannu'n glau;
  A dynion hwythau'n darfod fydd,
  Fel canwyll drenga ganol dydd.

Ymladd ac ymlid allent hwy,
Eu swn ni styriwn i ddim mwy
  Na dalen wan yn siglo ar bren,
  Pan f'ai taranau yn rhuo uchben.

Y Brenin mawr, Duw oll yn oll,
Gâd wel'd dy wyneb têg heb goll;
  A'm holl bwerau seinia'i maes
  D'anfeidrol fawredd di a'th ras.
Dymunai'm henaid :: Dymuna f'enaid
fynu'r ne' :: fry i'r ne'
a fyddai'r byd :: y byddai'r byd
Y Brenin mawr :: O! Frenin mawr
bwerau :: alluoedd
fawredd di a'th :: fawredd a dy

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Colne (<1875)
    Courland (F J Haydn 1732-1809)
    Ernan (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(View of God mortifies us to the World)
To the heavenly fields above where run
The pure, living waters abroad,
  My soul would request to fly now,
  But it is sin that is pressing it down.

Thy precious blood, most beloved Christ,
Can take out all my sad guilt,
  And 'tis thou the gentle, heavenly Dove,
  Who canst, on thy wings, lead me there.

If I could ascend up to heaven,
And see the full glory of the place,
  How small, how poor would be the world
  And all its things in my account.

One sight of my Father and the kingdoms
Of the world would disappear quickly;
  And men, they would be vanishing,
  Like a candle dying at midday.

Attack and persue can they,
Their sound I would no more notice
  Nor a weak leaf shake on a tree,
  Whenever thunders roar overhead.

O great King, God all in all,
Permit to see thy fair face without fail;
  And all my powers shall sound out
  Thy infinite majesty and thy grace.
up to heaven :: above to heaven
and the world would :: the world would
powers :: abilities

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

(A sight of God mortifies us to the world)
Up to the fields where angels lie,
  And living waters gently roll,
Fain would my thoughts leap out and fly,
  But sin hangs heavy on my soul.

Thy wondrous blood, dear dying Christ,
  Can make this load of guilt remove;
And thou canst bear me where thou fliest,
  On thy kind wings, celestial Dove!

O might I once mount up and see
  The glories of th'eternal skies!
What little things these worlds would be!
  How despicable to my eyes!

Had I a glance of thee, my God,
  Kingdoms and men would vanish soon;
Vanish as though I saw them not,
  As a dim candle dies at noon.

Then they might fight, and rage, and rave,
  I should perceive the noise no more
Than we can hear a shaking leaf,
  While rattling thunders round us roar.

Great All in All, Eternal King
  Let me but view thy lovely face,
And all my powers shall bow, and sing
  Thine endless grandeur and thy grace.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [LM 8888]:
    Angels Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
    Quito (William Horsley 1774-1858)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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