I'r truan ddyn annuwiol

(Trueni yr Annuwiol,
a Dedwyddwch y Duwiol.)
I'r truan ddyn annuwiol
    anfeidrol wae a fydd;
Gwallgofi a wna gan ddychryn
    ar derfyn eitha'r dydd;
  Gerllaw bydd angau'n sefyll,
      erchyll, erchyll awr!
  Ac uffern yn ymledu
      i'w lyngcu ef i lawr!

Er bod cystuddiau trymion
    i Gristion dan y groes,
Llwyr gilwg llawer gelyn
    i'w erbyn yn ei oes;
  Ymddengys yn nydd angau,
      bydd ef o'r rhwydau'n rhydd:
  Ei ymdrech a goronir,
      gorphenir gyrfa ffydd.

Ti, Iesu, 'r hwn a hoeliwyd,
    a dòrwyd gynt â dur,
Dysgleiried yn fy mywyd
    dy ddelw sanctaidd bur;
  Pan ddelo'r ymdrech olaf,
      fy Llywydd rhwyga'r llen,
  Yn dirion derbyn f'ysbryd
      i wynfyd y nef wen.
Caniadau Duwiol 1815

[Mesur: 7676D]

(The wretchedness of the Ungodly,
and the Happiness of the Godly.)
To the wretched ungodly man
    immeasurable woe shall be;
Go mad he shall through terror
    at the extreme end of the day;
  Nearby shall death be standing,
      a terrible, terrible hour!
  And hell widening
      to swallow him down!

Although there are heavy afflictions
    for a Christian under the cross,
Retreat completely shall many an enemy
    against him in his age;
  He shall appear in the day of death,
      he shall be from the snares free:
  His effort shall be crowned,
      finished his course of faith.

Thou, Jesus, who wast crucified,
    and broken once with steel,
May thy holy, pure image
    shine in my life;
  When comes the last effort,
      my Leader shall rend the curtain,
  Tenderly shall accept my spirit
      into the bliss of bright heaven.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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