I'r unig ddoeth a bywiol Dduw

(Doethineb Duw / Annog i foli Duw)
I'r unig ddoeth a bywiol Dduw,
  Rhoed dynol-ryw ogonaint;
Anrhydedd fo i'w enw glān,
  Anfarwol gān a moliant.

Wrth edrych ar y nefoedd faith,
  A gweled gwaith Jehofa,
Anfeidrol yw'r doethineb sydd
  Yn ganfyddedig yma.

Trwy'r tir a'r mōr dysgleirio mae
  Ei allu a'i ddoethineb;
Ond yn y cymod, gras,
    a'r iawn,
  Y mae mewn llawn dysgleirdeb.
Y mae :: Y maent

- - - - -

I'r unig ddoeth a bywiol Dduw,
  Rhoed dynol-ryw ogonaint;
Anrhydedd fo i'w enw glān,
  Anfarwol gān a moliant.

Lewyrchu mae doethineb Ion
  Trwy droion ei ragluniaeth;
Ond miloedd mwy o'i lewyrch ddyd
  Ar drefn yr iechydwriaeth.

Nis gellir chwilio synwyr coeth
  Duw alln, na'i ddoethineb;
Rhy fawr i ddyn ac angel fydd
  Y gwaith i dragwyddoldeb.
D Silvan Evans (Daniel Las) 1818-1903

Tonau [MS 8787]:
    Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-1864)
    Llangranog (J Parr 1787-1866)
    Tonllwyd (M Llewelyn 1835-1906)

gwelir: Wrth edrych ar y nefoedd faith

(The wisdom of God / Encouragement to praise God)
To the only wise and living God,
  Let human-kind give glory;
Honour be to his holy name,
  Immortal song and praise.

On looking at the vast heavens,
  And seeing the work of Jehovah,
Immeasurable is the wisdom which is
  Discovered there.

Through the land and the sea shining are
  His power and his wisdom;
But in the reconciliation, grace
    and the atonement,
  They are in full radiance.

- - - - -

To the only wise and living God,
  Let human-kind give glory;
Honour be to his holy name,
  Immortal song and praise.

Shining is the wisdom of the Lord
  Through the turns of his providence;
But thousands from of his shining day
  On the arrangement of salvation.

The refined sense of God cannot be
  Searched out, nor his wisdom;
Too great for man and angel shall be
  The work for an eternity.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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