I'th sanct dywedaist hyn a ddaeth

(Salm LXXXIX. Rhan II - Adn. 19,20,26-29.)
I'th sanct dywedaist - hyn a ddaeth
  Drwy weledigaeth nefol -
Gosodais gymmhorth ar gryf Gun,
  Dyrchefais un dewisol.

Cefais, eneiniais ef yn ol
  Fy ngwas dewisol, Dafydd,
Ag olew sant; braich a llaw gref
  Rhois gydag ef yn llywydd.

Ef a weddia arnaf fi
  I'w g'ledi, gan ddywedyd,
Ti yw fy Nhad, fy Nuw, fy Ngharn,
  Yn gadarn o'm hieuengctid.

Minnau gwnaf yntau im yn Fab,
  Yn Gynfab ac Etifedd,
Ar holl frenhinoedd daear las
  Yn uwch ei ras a'i fawredd.

A chadwaf iddo yr un wedd
  Drugaredd yn dragwyddol,
A'm hammod gadwaf iddo'n llawn,
  Yn ffyddlawn ac yn nerthol.

Gosodaf hefyd byth i'w hâd
  Nerth a mawrhâd uwch bydoedd;
A'i orsedd gref fydd i barhau
  Unwedd a
      dyddiau'r nefoedd.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Oldenburg (Andachts Zymbeln 1655)
Trallwm (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-75)

  Rhan I - Trwy gynnulleidfa ei saint ef

(Psalm 89. Part 2 - Vv. 19,20,26-29.)
To thy holy one thou didst say - this has come
  Through a heavenly vision -
I granted help to a strong Dear one,
  I exalted a choice one.

I got, I anointed him as
  My chosen servant, David,
With holy oil; an arm and a strong hand
  I gave with him as leader.

He shall pray unto me
  To harden him, while saying,
Thou art my Father, my God, my Rock,
  Firm from my youth.

I will make him my Son,
  A first-born Son and Heir,
Above all the kings of the blue-green earth
  Higher his grace and his greatness.

And I will keep for him in the same way
  Mercy eternally,
And my condition I will keep for him fully,
  Faithfully and strongly.

I will grant also forever to his seed
  Strength and majesty above worlds;
And his strong throne shall endure
  In the same manner as
      the days of heaven.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
19 Thus spak'st thou by the prophet's voice: 
     "A mighty champion I will send;
   From Judah's tribe have I made choice 
     of one who shall the rest defend."

20 "My servant David I have found,
     with holy oil anointed him;
21 Him shall the hand support that crowned, 
     and guard that gave the diadem."

22 "No prince from him shall tribute force, 
     no son of strife shall him annoy;
23 His spiteful foes I will disperse,
     and them before his face destroy."

24 "My truth and grace shall him sustain; 
     his armies, in well ordered ranks,
25 Shall conquer from the Tyrian main, 
     to Tigris and Euphrates' banks."

26 "Me for his father he shall take,
     his God and rock of safety call;
27 Him I my first-born son will make,
     and earthly kings his subjects all."

28 "To him my mercy I'll secure,
     my cov'nant make for ever fast:
29 His seed for ever shall endure;
     his throne, till
         heav'n dissolves, shall last."
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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