I Ti O Dduw ein nawdd a'n nerth

(Emyn Priodas)
I Ti, O! Dduw, ein nawdd a'n nerth,
  Dyrchafwn fawl ar gān,
Am roddi'n hael fendithion fyrdd
  I ni o'th gariad glān.

Boed ar y llw a'r amod dwys
  dy fendith yma'n awr;
A rho i'r ddeuddyn ernes lawn
  O'th ras a'th gariad mawr.

O! arwain hwynt tra fyddont byw,
  Rho iddyn wawl dy wedd,
Ac iddynt dod dy anian wiw
  O hyd yn hyfryd hedd.

I'w haelwyd beunydd bydd yn borth,
  Cysegra'u bryd a'u bri,
I rodio'n ōl dy ddeddfau glān
  A'th wasanaethu Di.
John Williams (J W Llundain) 1872-1944

Tonau [MC 8686]:
    Crimond (Jessie S Irvine 1836-87)
    Penmachno (T Hopkin Evans 1879-1940)

(Wedding Hymn)
To thee, O God, our refuge and our strength,
  We raise praise in song,
For giving generously a myriad blessings
  To us from thy holy love.

Let there be on the oath and the serious term
  Thy blessing here now;
And give to the couple a full earnest
  Of thy grace and thy great love.

Oh, lead them while ever they live,
  Give to them the light of thy face,
And in them put thy worthy nature
  Always in delightful peace.

To their homestead daily be as succour,
  Consecrate their intent and their honour,
To walk according to thy holy laws
  And serve Thee.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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