Iesu annwyl ffrind plant bychain

Jesus friend of little children

Iesu annwyl, ffrind plant bychain,
  Bydd yn ffrind i mi;
Gafael yn fy llaw i'm harwain
  Gyda Thi.

Dangos beth a ddylwn garu,
  Beth ei lwyr osgoi;
Ac o lwybrau drwg, fy Iesu,
  Gad im ffoi.

Dysg im dyfu mewn daioni,
  Fel y tyfet Ti;
Buost Ti yn blentyn heini
  Fel myfi.

Rho dy fwynder ynwy'n drysor
  Cadw fi rhag cam;
Ac fel lamp sy'n gloywi'r allor,
  Gwna fi'n fflam.

Arwain fi o hyd i fyny
  At y wawrddydd glir;
Doethach, cryfach, gad im dyfu
  Yn y gwir.

O! na ad fi, fwyn Dywysydd,
  Gad im fwy'n dy hedd;
Bydd dy eisiau arnaf beunydd
  Hyd fy medd.
cyf. J D Evans (Ap Daniel) 1869-1948

Tôn [8583]: Derwent (C L Naylor 1869-1945)

Dear Jesus, friend of little children,
  Be a friend to me;
Take hold of my hand to lead me
  With Thee.

Show what I should love,
  What completely to avoid;
And from evil paths, my Jesus,
  Let me flee.

Teach me to grow up in goodness,
  As Thou didst grow up;
Thou wast a lively child
  Like I.

Put thy gentleness in me as a treasure
  Keep me from wrong;
And like a lamp which brightens the altar,
  Make me a flame.

Lead me always up
  To the clear dawn of day;
Wiser, stronger, let me grow up
  In the truth.

O do not leave me, gentle Leader!
  Let me live in Thy peace;
May I want Thee daily
  Until my grave.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
Jesus, friend of little children,
  Be a friend to me;
Take my hand, and ever keep me
  Close to Thee.

Show me what my love should cherish,
  What, too, it should shun,
Lest my feet for poison flowers
  Swift should run.

Teach me how to grow in goodness,
  Daily as I grow;
Thou hast been a child, and surely
  Thou dost know.

Fill me with Thy gentle meekness,
  Make my heart like Thine;
Like an altar lamp, then let me
  Burn and shine.

Step by step O lead me onward,
  Upward into youth;
Wiser, stronger, still becoming
  In Thy truth.

Never leave me, nor forsake me;
  Ever be my friend;
For I need Thee, from life's dawning
  To its end.
1882 Walter J Mathams 1853-1931

Tunes [8583]:
Cuttle Mills (William J Griffith 1867-1929)
Derwent (C L Naylor 1869-1945)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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