Iesu Arglwydd y gogoniant

Jesu Lord of life and glory

Iesu, Arglwydd y gogoniant,
  Edrych arnom oddi fry;
Arnat mae ein dymuniadau,
  Gwrando ar ein llais a'n cri:
    Mewn trugaredd,
  Gwared ni, O Arglwydd mawr.

Oddi wrth galedwch calon,
  Oddi wrth bob pechod du,
Rhag pob balchder a chenfigen,
  A phob dim sydd groes i ti:
    Mewn trugaredd,
  Gwared ni, O Arglwydd mawr.

Pan fo'r byd yn hudol wenu,
  Ninnau'n caru ei fwynhau,
Ein serchiadau wedi'u rhoddi
  Arno ef a'i fwyniant brau:
    Mewn trugaredd,
  Gwared ni, O Arglwydd mawr.

Yn holl oriau ein cyfyngder,
  Pan fôm wael a thrist ein gwedd,
Wrth ymdeimlo â'n breuolder,
  Ac wrth feddwl am y bedd:
    Mewn trugaredd,
  Gwared ni, O Arglwydd mawr.

Pan ddaw dydd ac awr ein marw,
  Pan ddaw barn yr olaf dydd,
Gad i'n henaid bwyso arnat,
  Iesu'n gymorth inni bydd:
    Mewn trugaredd,
  Gwared ni, O Arglwydd mawr.
cyf. Hymnau Hen a Newydd 1868

Tonau [878747]:
Capel y Ddôl (J D Jones 1827-70)
Ad Perennis Citae Fontem (Tours Breviary)
Llanilar (alaw Gymreig)

Jesus, Lord of glory,
  Look upon us from above;
Upon thee are our wishes,
  Listen to our voice and our cry:
    In mercy,
  Deliver us, O great Lord.

From hardness of heart,
  From every black sin,
From all pride and envy,
  And everything which is contrary to thee:
    In mercy,
  Deliver us, O great Lord.

When the world be charmingly smiling,
  And we loving the enjoying of it,
Our affections having been set
  Upon it and its fragile enjoyment:
    In mercy,
  Deliver us, O great Lord.

In all the hours of our straits,
  When we be poor and our countenance sad,
While sympathizing with our fragility,
  And while thinking about the grave:
    In mercy,
  Deliver us, O great Lord.

When the day and the hour of our death come,
  When the judgment of the last day comes,
Let our soul lean upon thee,
  Jesus a help to us be!
    In mercy,
  Deliver us, O great Lord.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Jesu, Lord of life and glory,
  Bend from Heav'n Thy gracious ear;
While our waiting souls adore Thee,
  Friend of helpless sinners, hear:
    By Thy mercy,
  O deliver us, good Lord.

From the depth of nature's blindness,
  From the hardening power of sin,
From all malice and unkindness,
  From the pride that lurks within:
    By Thy mercy,
  O deliver us, good Lord.

When the world around is smiling,
  In the time of wealth and ease,
Earthly joys our hearts beguiling,
  In the day of health and peace,
    By Thy mercy,
  O deliver us, good Lord.

In the weary hours of sickness,
  In the times of grief and pain,
When we feel our mortal weakness,
  When the creature's help is vain:
    By Thy mercy,
  O deliver us, good Lord.

In the solemn hour of dying,
  In the awful judgment day,
May our souls, on Thee relying,
  Find Thee still our rock and stay:
    By Thy mercy,
  O deliver us, good Lord.
James J Cummins 1795-1867
Seals of the Covenant Opened in the Sacraments 1839

Tôn [878747]: Raphael (Edward J Hopkins 1818-1901)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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