Iesu ddaeth o'r nef i'n cadw

(Gras yr Iesu)
Iesu ddaeth o'r nef i'n cadw
  Mawr yw Ei ras;
Drosom aeth i'r groes i farw,
  Mawr yw Ei ras:
Nid oedd dim yn ormod ganddo
Er mwyn achub a bendithio;
Gwaith y nef fydd diolch iddo,
  Mawr yw Ei ras.

Iesu aeth i'r nef i eirio,
  Mawr yw Ei ras,
Dros droseddwyr anhaeddiannol,
  Mawr yw Ei ras:
Mae yn anfon Ei fendithion,
I gryfhau y pererinion;
Ar Ei ben y byddo'r goron, -
  Mawr yw Ei ras.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tôn [84.84.8884]: Upsal (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)

(The Grace of Jesus)
Jesus who came from heaven to save us
  Great is His grace;
For us he went to the cross to die,
  Great is His grace:
Nothing was too much for him
In order to save and to bless;
The work of heaven will be to thank him,
  Great is His grace.

Jesus who went to heaven to intercede,
  Great is His grace,
For undeserving transgressors,
  Great is His grace:
He is sending His blessings,
To strengthen the pilgrims;
On his head shall be the crown, -
  Great is His grace.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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