Iesu Grist un rhyfedd ydyw

(Person Crist)
Iesu Grist un rhyfedd ydyw,
  Perffaith Dduw a pherffaith ddyn,
Mae dwy natur cyflawn ynddo,
  Etto'r person 'dyw ond un;
O ddirgelwch mawr duwioldeb,
  Duw mewn undeb a gwir gnawd,
'Rhwn sydd yn preswylio'n uchel,
  I rai isel sydd yn frawd.

Dyma'r Cār a'r Cyfaill goreu,
  I feibion Adda fedd y nef;
Mae E'n derbyn pechaduriaid,
  Ymddiried, f'enaid, ynddo Ef:
Gwaed yr Oen ar ben Calfaria
  A'm cadwodd i o'r fflamau tān;
Chwant sydd arnaf ganu moliant,
  Fyth i'r fath Waredwr glān.
1: John Hughes 1775-1854
2: Casgliad Morris Davies 1835

[Mesur: 8787D]

  Beth yw'r udgorn/utgorn glywa'i'n seinio?
  O fy enaid c'od dy olwg

(The Person of Christ)
Jesus Christ is a wonderful one,
  Perfect God and perfect man,
There are two natures complete in him,
  Still the person is but one;
From a great secret of divinity,
  God in unity with true flesh,
This one is residing on high,
  To a lowly one he is a brother.

Here is the Kinsman and the best Friend,
  For the children of Adam that heaven possesses,
He receives sinners,
  May my soul trust in him;
The blood of the Lamb on the summit of Calvary
  Has kept me from the flames of fire,
I have a passion to sing praise,
  Forever to such a holy Deliverer.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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