Iesu mawr ei urddas

(Son am Iesu)
Iesu mawr Ei urddas
  Drigodd yn y cnawd,
Mab y Duw goruchaf
  Ddaeth i ni yn Frawd;
Ty Ei Dad adawodd
  Am drigfannau'r llawr,
Er mwyn codi eilwaith
  Blant y codwm mawr.

    Taener son am dano,
      Gyda hwyl o hyd,
    Nes dêl i'w gofleidio
      Holl dylwythau'r byd.

Iesu mawr Ei gariad
  Brofodd farwol loes,
Unwaith dan yr hoelion
  Ar y greulon groes;
Angau a orchfygodd,
  Gelyn euog ddyn;
Ofn y bedd ddiddymodd,
  Drwy fynd iddo'i Hun.

Iesu mawr Ei haeddiant
  Drosom gwyd Ei lef,
Ar ddehelaw'r Mawredd
  Fry yn nef y nef;
Gobaith sydd i'r gwannaf
  Allu dod i'r lan,
Tra bo'r Hwn fu farw
  'N eiriol ar ein rhan.
David Rowlands (Dewi Môn) 1836-1907

Tôn [6565T]: Ceinwen (J Pryce Hughes)

(Mention of Jesus)
Jesus of great dignity
  Dwellt in the flesh,
The Son of the most high God
  Came to us as a Brother;
His Father's house he left
  For the dwellings of the earth,
In order to raise again
  The children of the great fall.

    Mention about him is to be spread,
      With enthusiasm always,
    Until all the tribes of the world
      Come to embrace him.

Jesus of great love
  Experienced mortal pangs,
One under the nails
  On the cruel cross;
Death he overcame,
  The enemy of guilty man;
The fear of the grave he abolished,
  Through going to it Himself.

Jesus of great merit
  For us raises His cry,
At the right hand of the Majesty
  Up in the heaven of heaven;
Hope there is for the weakest
  Who can come up
While ever He who died be
  Interceding on our behalf.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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