Iesu nid oes ond dy allu

(Cadw oddiwrth bechod)
Iesu, nid oes ond dy allu, 
  Iesu, nid oes ond dy rym,
Attal f'enaid tros fynydyn
  Bechu yn dy erbyn ddim;
    Rhoddion rhad gwerthfawr waed,
  Wna im' sefyll ar fy nhraed.

Mi a grwydrwn draw i'r dwyrain,
  Mi a grwydrwn draw i'r de,
Oni bai'r golofn dân sy'n arwain
  Llewyrch hyfryd pur y ne';
    Ef biau'r clod, am erioed
  Iddo gyfarwyddo'm troed.

Weithiau fe ddyd ei ragluniaeth,
  Weithiau dyd ei hyfryd ras,
I fy ngwarchod a fy nghadw
  Rhag fy chwantau ffiaidd cas:
    Boed fy nghân iddo'n lân,
  Pan êl daear fawr ar dân.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [878767]: Newport (<1835)

    Mi a grwydrwn draw i'r dwyrain
    Rhwng Pih'iroth a Baalsephon
    Tyred Arglwydd ar amseroedd

(Keeping from sin)
Jesus, there is only thy power,
  Jesus, there is only thy force,
Stop my soul from even for a moment
  Sinning against thee at all;
    May the free gifts of valuable blood,
  Make me stand on my feet.

I shall wander yonder to the east,
  I shall wander yonder to the south,
Unless the column of fire be leading
  The delightful, pure gleam of heaven;
    To him belongs the praise, forever
  To him I direct my feet.

Sometimes he gives he providence,
  Sometimes gives his delightful grace,
To guard me and keep me
  From my detestable, hated lusts:
    May my song be purely to him,
  When the great earth goes on fire.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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