Iesu O mor addfwyn

O Christ what gracious words
Saviour what gracious words

(Y Dyrfa Ddedwydd)
Iesu, O mor addfwyn,
  Yw dy eiriau di bob un;
Oll o'm mewn yn dwyn tangnefedd
  Sydd o iachysol rin.

Tarawn yn gytun
  Bob telyn yn y lle;
Gan beraidd byncio'r newydd gân
  O foliant iddo 'Fe.

Beth bynag fydd ein rhan
  Tra yn yr anial fyd;
Un testyn heddyw sydd i'r gân -
  Un gwaith i'r dyrfa'i gyd.

Nesau mae 'r ddedwydd awr
  Cawn ninau fyn'd i'w plith;
I seinio 'r anthem yn ddiboen,
  I Dduw a'r Oen dros byth.

Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tôn [MB 6686]:
    Augustine (Michael Weisse c.1480-c.1534)

(The Happy Throng)
Jesus, oh how tender,
  Are thy words, every one;
All within me bringing peace
  Which is of saving merit.

Let us strike in agreement
  Every harp in the place;
While sweetly plucking the new song
  Of praise unto Him.

Whatever shall be our part
  while in the desert world;
One theme today is for the song -
  One work for all the throng.

Approaching is the happy hour
  We may get to go amongst them;
To sound the anthem painlessly,
  To God and the Lamb for ever.

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

Saviour, what gracious words
  Are ever, ever Thine!
Thy voice is music to the soul,
  And life and peace divine.

Good, everlasting good,
  Glad tidings, full of joy,
Flow from Thy lips, the lips of truth,
  And flow without alloy.

The broken heart, the poor,
  The bruised, the deaf, the blind,
The dumb, the dead,the captive wretch,
  In Thee compassion find.

Lord Jesus, speed the day,
  The promised day of grace,
To all the poor, the dumb, the deaf,
  The dead of Adam's race.
Saviour :: O Christ
Good, everlasting good :: Grace, everlasting grace
Lord Jesus, speed the :: We bless the for this

1792 George Richards c.1755-1816

Tunes [SM 6686]:
    Augustine (Michael Weisse c.1480-c.1534)
    Boylston (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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