Iesu ti yw'm hunig noddfa

(Gorfoleddu yn Nghrist)
Iesu ti yw'm hunig noddfa,
  Ac mae ynot ti ddidrai
Ffrwd lifeiriol o gysuron,
  Yn dragwyddol yn parhau;
    Fyth ni dderfydd
  Mo dy gariad a dy ras.

Dy hanfod berffaith yw'm hapusrwyd
  Mae 'nghysuron, bob yr un,
Yn terfynu ac yn casglu
  'N gryno ynot ti dy hun:
    Bywyd f'enaid,
  Man bwyf finnau, yno bydd.

Mewn rhyw hyder nefol hyfryd,
  'Rwy'n rhoi f'achos o dy flaen,
Ac yn credu caf fyn'd trwodd,
  Neu lifeiriant, yntau dân;
    A chaiff f'enaid
Tlawd i ganu'r ochr draw. 

Pan edrychwyf ar dy fawredd,
  Gwel'd d'ogoniant maith a'th ras,
Mae fy nghalon, gan lawenydd,
  Hyfryd, pur, yn tori i maes,
    Gan roi pleser
Fil uwch law
    pleserau'r byd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
    Alma (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
    Peniel (Isaac Tucker 1761-1825)

(Rejoicing in Christ)
Jesus thou are my only refuge,
  And there is in thee an unebbing,
Flowing stream of comforts,
  Eternally enduring;
    Never shall pass away
  Thy love or thy grace.

Thy perfect essence is my happiness
  My comforts are, every one,
Ending and gathering
  Compendiously in thee thyself:
    The life of my soul,
  The place I am, be thou there!

In some heavenly, delightful confidence,
  I am putting my case before thee,
And believing I shall get to go through,
  Either flood, or fire;
    And my poor soul
  Shall get to sing on yonder side.

When I look on thy majesty,
  See thy vast glory and thy grace,
My heart is, with joy,
  Delightful, pure, breaking out,
    While giving pleasure
  A thousand times above
      the pleasures of the world.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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