Iesu tirion gwêl yn awr

Gentle Jesus meek and mild

Iesu tirion, gwêl yn awr
Blentyn bach yn plygu i lawr;
  Wrth fy ngwendid trugarha,
  Paid â'm gwrthod, Iesu da.

Carwn fod yn eiddot Ti,
Iesu grasol, derbyn fi;
  Gad i blentyn bach gael lle,
  Trwy dy ras, yn nheyrnas ne'.

Carwn fod fel Ti dy Hun,
Meddu calon ar dy lun;
  Addfwyn, tirion iawn wyt Ti,
  Ysbryd cariad rho i mi.

Dysg im wneuthur heb nacâd,
'Wyllys Duw, fy nefol Dad,
  N'ad im ddigio Ysbryd Duw,
  Er d'ogoniant gad im fyw.
cyf. William Owen Evans 1864-1936

Tonau [7777]:
Henllan (David Evans 1874-1948)
Iesu Tirion / Gentle Jesus (Martin Shaw 1875-1948)
  Iesu Tirion / Joan (W Gwynfor Jenkins)
Iesu Tirion / Megan / Theodora
    (1749 George Frederick Handel 1685-1759)
Innocents ("Parish Choir" 1851)
Lyne (Magdalen Chapel Hymns c. 1760)
Llanfrothen (J Watkin Jones)
Llawenydd / Freuen Wir Uns
    (Ein Neues Gesangbüchlein 1531)
Savannah (Foundery Collection 1742)

Gentle Jesus, behold now
A little child bending down;
  Towards my weakness have pity,
  Do not reject me, good Jesus.

I would love to be Thy own,
Gracious Jesus, accept me;
  Let a little child have a place,
  Through thy grace, in the kingdom of heaven.

I would love to be like Thee Thyself,
To possess a heart after thy likeness;
  Meek, very gentle art Thou,
  A spirit of love give to me.

Teach me to do without demurring,
The will of God, my heavenly Father,
  Not to displease the Spirit of God,
  But to thy glory let me live.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,
Look upon a little child;
  Pity my simplicity,
  Suffer me to come to Thee.

Fain I would to Thee be brought;
Gracious Lord, forbid it not;
  In the kingdom of Thy grace
  Give a little child a place.

Lord, I would be as Thou art;
Give me Thine obedient heart;
  Thou art pitiful and kind,
  Let me have Thy loving mind.

Let me, above all, fulfil
God my heav'nly Father's will;
  Never His good Spirit grieve;
  Only to His glory live.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tunes [7777]:
Iesu Tirion / Gentle Jesus (Martin Shaw 1875-1948)
Innocents (1851 "Parish Choir")
Seymour (1826 Carl M F E von Weber 1786-1826)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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