Iesu tirion iawn wyt Ti

Jesus from Thy throne on high

(Clyw ni, anwyl Iesu.)
Iesu, tirion iawn wyt Ti,
Er yn Frenin nef mewn bri -
Gwena'n rasol arnom ni:
  Clyw ni, anwyl Iesu!

Plentyn bach at Dduw a ddaw,
Heb un pryder, nac un braw -
Ti, i'w wared, wyt ger llaw.
  Clyw ni, anwyl Iesu!

I Dy fynwes hoffi ddwyn
Tyner a diniwed ŵyn:
O! rwyt Ti yn Fugail mwyn!
  Clyw ni, anwyl Iesu!

Calon plentyn sydd am fod
Lawn o serch i ganu'th glod:
I Dy foli gad in' ddod.
  Clyw ni, anwyl Iesu!

Gwna ni'n ddedwydd yn ein gwaith,
Ac wrth chware'n bur ein hiaith;
Arwain Di ni drwy y daith.
  Clyw ni, anwyl Iesu!

Unwaith teimlast Ti Dy hun
Boen a lludded fel pob dyn:
Wedi'r waith rho felus hûn.
  Clyw ni, anwyl Iesu!

Gwna ni oll yn ddewr heb fraw,
Boddlon i beth bynnag ddaw,
Am ei fod yn dod o'th law.
  Clyw ni, anwyl Iesu!

Pan y delo'n hoes i ben,
Moli, gylch Dy orsedd wen,
Fyddo'n rhan bob un: Amen.
  Clyw ni, anwyl Iesu!
cyf. David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn [7776]: Eiriolaeth (Edward Bunnett 1834-1923)

(Hear us, dear Jesus.)
Jesus, very gentle art Thou,
Although King of heaven in renown -
Smile graciously upon us:
  Hear us, dear Jesus!

A little child to God shall come,
Without a care, nor any fear -
Thou, to deliver him, art at hand.
  Hear us, dear Jesus!

To Thy bosom Thou dost love to bring
Tender and innocent lambs:
O Thou art a gentle Shepherd!
  Hear us, dear Jesus!

A child's heart wants to be
Full of affection to sing thy acclaim:
To praise Thee let us come.
  Hear us, dear Jesus!

Make us happy in our work,
And at play our language pure;
Lead Thou us throughout the journey.
  Hear us, dear Jesus!

Once Thou Thyself didst feel
Pain and exhaustion like every man:
After the work give sweet slumber.
  Hear us, dear Jesus!

Make us all brave without fear,
Content with whatever shall come,
Since its comes from thy hand.
  Hear us, dear Jesus!

When our lifespan comes to an end,
To praise, around Thy white throne,
Be the portion of every one: Amen.
  Hear us, dear Jesus!
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
Jesus, from Thy throne on high,
Far above the bright blue sky,
Look on us with loving eye;
  Hear us, Holy Jesus!

Little children need not fear
When they know that Thou art near;
Thou dost love us, Saviour dear;
  Hear us, Holy Jesus!

Little lives may be divine,
Little deeds of love may shine,
Little ones be wholly Thine:
  Hear us, Holy Jesus!

Little hearts may love Thee well,
Little lips Thy love may tell,
Little hymns Thy praises swell;
  Hear us, Holy Jesus!

Be thou with us every day,
In our work and in our play,
When we learn and when we pray:
  Hear us, Holy Jesus!

When we lie asleep at night,
Ever may thy angels bright
Keep us safe till morning light:
  Hear us, Holy Jesus!

Make us brave without a fear,
Make us happy, full or cheer,
Sure that Thou art always near:
  Hear us, Holy Jesus!

Jesus, whom we hope to see,
Calling us to heaven to be
Happy evermore with Thee:
  Hear us, Holy Jesus!
Thomas B Pollock 1836-96

Tune [7776]: Septem Voces (W S Hoyte 1844-1917)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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