Iesu ydyw fy Nghreawdwr

(O Mr. HARFE am y Greadigaeth)
Iesu ydyw fy Nghreawdwr -
  Creawdwr uffern, dae'r a ne'
Y cwbl hefyd oll a wnaethpwyd
  Er gogoniant iddo Fe;
Ynddo'r cyfan sydd yn sefyll,
  Ei fysedd yn eu cynal sy;
Fy enaid, dyma'r Un a hoeliwyd
  Draw ar fynydd Calfari.

Er mor rhyfedd ydoedd rhoddi
  I fydoedd dirifedi fod,
Rhyfeddodau'r Aipht a Soan,
  Yngyd a glywodd clust erioed;
Hyn ei gyd fydd yn diflannu,
  Can's mwy rhyfeddod wel'd E' fry
Ar y pren yn diodde' ei heolio
  Ar fynyddau Calfari.

Angylion pur sy o gylch ei orsedd
  Yn gwisgo g'leuni fel y wawr,
Yr Hwn a'ch gwisgoedd â'r fath harddwch,
  Ac 'ych yn ei addoli'n awr,
Cig a gwaed a gym'rodd arno,
  Fel gallai gydymdeimlo â ni,
Er mai gwrthrych eich addoliad
  A fu farw ar Galfari.

Yr awyr gou ddifesur lydan,
  A'th goppa
      cuwch a'r nefoedd sy,
Bydoedd o faintioli ofnadwy
  Sy'n amgylchu yn dy fru;
Yr Hwn â'i air wnaeth dy adeiliad,
  A'i fysedd all dy fesur di,
Drowd mewn cadach yn y preseb,
  Ac fu farw ar Galfari.

'Raneirif Sêr sydd yn disgleirio
  Ynghanol y tywyllwch du,
Mae ynoch fôr o dân berwedig,
  Er mor fâch i'n golwg ni;
'R Hwn ryw oesoedd cyn eich ennyn,
  Ac beri pan diffoddoch chwi,
Fu'n Nazareth yn wael ei gyflwr,
  Ac fu farw ar Galfari.

Chwi blanedau o adenydd cyflym
  Sy'n teithio'n brysur forau a hwyr
Fil filiwnau o feserau,
  Yn cadw'r amser oll yn llwyr;
'R Hwn â'i fraich a'ch gyrrodd gynta'
  Uwch eich llwybr wnaeth ei dŷ,
Ga's ei erlyd yma yn faban,
  Ac fu farw ar Galfari.

Ti, haul, y ffynon fawr ddihysbydd
  O'leuni, cysur, gwres, a thân,
Sy'n danfon dydd oddeutu'r ddaear
  Bywyd myrdd o lysiau mân;
'R Hwn a'th lanwodd o oleuni,
  Na ellir edrych ar dy wedd
Ymddihatrodd o'i ogoniant,
  Gorwedd wnaeth yn ngwaelod bedd.

Y lloer, yn mhlith y ser, sy'n rhodio,
  Yn g'leuo mwy na hwynt i gyd,
Y môr sy'n teithio wrth dy amser,
  Ti gyddi'th wyneb ambell bryd;
'R Hwn rodd d'oleu oddiwrth yr haulwen,
  Ei lewyrch o hono ei Hun y sy;
Clips a redodd tros ei harddwch
  Pan fu farw ar Galfari.

Chwi daranau yn y cwmmwl
  Pygddu yn ymderfysgu sydd,
Yn crynu'r nef a'r dda'r o tanom,
  Fel yn bwgwth barn a fydd;
'R Hwn wnaeth i'ch ddychrynu dynion,
  A gallu i'ch i ruo yn llyn
Ei hun a lefodd yn y preseb,
  Lefodd ar Galfaria fryn.

Chwi fellt cynddeiriog sydd yn tannu
  Yn llen o dân
      trwy'r nef ei gyd
Rydd trigfa pechod gynt
    yn ulw,
  Ac o'r diwedd lysc y byd:
'R Hwn eich 'nynnodd ac yn peri
  I'ch ladd, neu ynte safio sy
Rodd' ei Berson gogoneddus
  Gael ei hoelio ar Galfari.

Chwi demestloedd sydd yn dangos
  Eitha' gwaelod moroedd mawr,
Briwo llongau erbyn creigydd,
  Taflu'r dedrwydd serth i lawr.
Yr Hwn rydd ffrwyn
    yn safn y demest',
  Yn marchog ar y gwyntoedd fry,
Fel yr Oen, yr aeth i'r lladdfa
  Tros ein beiau ar Galfari.

Chwi gymmylau sydd yn hongian
  Yn yr awyr denau fry,
Weithiau'n gwneud i'r ddaear darddu,
  Weithiau'n pydru ei ffrwythau sy;
Yn chwe'der ei enaid bu yn ymddifad
  O'r presenoldeb tadol fry,
Wrth grymmu ei ben i lawr a marw
  Ar fynyddau Calfari.

Ti wrês sy'n gwneud i'r ddaiar losci;
  Ti oerni sy'n ei rhwymo hi yn un,
Wrth gymmysc yn gwneud tymhor hyfryd
  Rhy greulon ar eich pennau'ch hun:
Rheolwr mawr yr holl greadigaeth
  Mewn tŷ o glai yr amser bu
Ddioddefodd eitha' gwrês digofaint
  Ar fynyddau Calfari.
William Williams 1717-91

gwelir: Angylion pur sy o gylch ei orsedd

(From Mr. HARFE about the Creation)
Jesus is my Creator -
  Creator of hell, earth and heaven
The whole also of all that was made
  For glory unto Him;
In the whole he is standing,
  His fingers are upholding them.
My soul, behold the One who was crucified
  Yonder on mount Calvary.

Although so wonderful it was to wander
  To innumerable worlds of being,
The wonders of Egypt and Zoan,
  Altogether which an ear ever heard;
All these shall disappear,
  Since a greater wonder to see Him above
On the tree suffering being nailed
  On the mountains of Calfari.

Pure angels who are around his throne
  Wearing light like the dawn,
He who clothed you with such beauty,
  And whom ye are adoring now,
Flesh and blood he took upon himself
  So that he could sympathise with us,
Although being the object of your adoration
  Who died on Calvary.

The sky above, immeasurable, broad,
  With thy summit which is
      as high as the heavens,
Worlds of awesome proportions
  Are circling in thy womb;
He who with his word made thy structure,
  Who with his fingers can measure thee,
Was wrapped in cloths in the manger,
  And died on Calvary.

The innumerable stars which are shining
  Amidst the black darkness,
In you is a see of boiling fire,
  Although so small to our view;
He who some ages before your igniting,
  And shall persist when ye shall extinguish,
Was in Nazareth of a lowly condition,
  And died on Calvary.

Ye planets of swift wings
  Who travel hurriedly morning and evening
A thousand million measures,
  Keeping the time all completely;
He who with his arm first drove you
  Above your paths made his house
Got pursued here as a baby,
  And died on Calvary.

Thou, sun, the great unpublished fount
  Of light, comfort, warmth, and fire,
Who sendest day around the earth
  The life of a myriad of small herbs;
He who filled thee with light,
  That thy face is not to be looked upon
Divested himself of his glory,
  Lie he did in the bottom of a grave.

The moon, amongst the stars, which is moving,
  In light more than all of them,
The sea which is travelling by thy time,
  Thou hidest thy face occasionally;
He who gave thy light from the sunshine,
  His radiance is from Himself;
An eclipse ran across his beauty
  When he died on Calvary.

Ye thunders in the pitch-black
  Cloud which are in tumult,
Shaking the heaven and the earth under them,
  As if threatening the coming judgment;
He who made you terrify men,
  And enabled you to roar thus
Himself cried in the manger,
  Cried on Calvary hill.

Ye furious lightning which ignites
  In the curtain of fire
      throughout all heaven
Which gives the former dwelling of sin
    to ashes
  And eventually will burn the world;
He who ignited thee and causes
  Thee to kill, or he who saves
Gave his glorious Person
  To get nailed on Calavary.

Ye tempests which are showing
  The extreme bottom of great seas,
Bruising ships against rocks,
  Flinging the tall trees down.
He who puts a bridle
    in the jaws of the tempest,
  Riding on the winds above,
Like the Lamb, he went to the slaughter
  For our faults on Calvary.

Ye clouds which are hanging
  In the thin sky above,
Sometimes making the earth spring forth,
  Sometimes rotting its fruits;
In the bitterness of his soul he was bereft
  Of the paternal presence above,
On bowing his head down and dying
  On the mountains of Calvary.

Thou heat which is making the earth burn;
  Thou cold which is binding it into one,
While mixing making a delightful season
  Too cruel on your own:
The great Governor of the whole creation
  In a house of clay, the time was
He suffered the extreme heat of wrath
  On the mountains of Calvary.
tr. 2009,16 Richard B Gillion
(Behold the Man)
Jesus Christ is my Creator, -
  He formed sea and earth and air;
Nature's pillars stand unshaken
  On his power and constant care.
By his fingers for a dwelling
  Was heaven's vault sublime upreared:
Jesus suffered when to save us
  He as man on earth appeared.

Lofty Angels! God-like spirits,
  Clad in robes of 'living light':
He who gave you all your glories,
  Him you worship day and night,
Made his tent in human nature
  That in Him should man confide:
Your Delight, your Source, and Centre
  Died - for man a Ransom died.

Vast encircling Space! whose confines
  Stretch beyond
      creation's pole!
Worlds of magnitude appalling
In thee unobstructed roll:
  He in whom thou art contained,
Spread at first and peopled thee,
  Lay, an infant, in the manger,
Died, a man, upon the tree.

Countless Stars! through darkness peering;
  Silent sentinels of night!
Worlds are ye of radiant brightness -
  Points to feeble human sight:
He who spake and ye were kindled,
  And will be, when ye grow dim,
Sun of souls, and Noon of heaven -
  Grief and death enshrouded HIM.

Planets! with the Earth concentric,
  Speeding on your trackless ways, -
Speeding in unbroken order
  From your distant primal days!
He whose arm put you in motion -
  Who your orbits vast designed,
Here was born a helpless infant,
  Here for sin his life resigned.

Sun! the unexhausted fountain,
  Whence flow warmth and genial light,
By whom Day to us is given
  Loaded with untold delight!
He who hath with glory charged thee
  That we may not rudely gaze,
Was on Calvary obscured -
  Well thou dark'nedst with amaze.

Moon! who star-attended glidest
  Through the sky with queenly grace;
Shining now in placid splendour,
  Veiling now with clouds thy face:
He who hides thee - brings light to thee
  From that sun, whose Sun is He,
Was eclipsed, - his beams were clouded,
  On the ignominious tree.

Thunder! who within thy cradle
  Of the sable cloud dost rock:
Rolling through expanse of heaven,
  Shaking earth with fearful shock!
He who overawes the nations,
  In thy mighty noise confessed,
Groaned and sighed with troubled spirit,
  By our guilt and sin oppressed.

Lightning wild! thy child the Thunder,
  Thou dost wrap
      the world in fire:
Sodom perished
    by thee stricken,
  Doomed by Heaven's long-slumbering ire.
He who formed thee - could command thee
  Earth to cleanse and man to slay,
Gave Himself an expiation -
  Saved by death from Death his prey.

Tempests! who disclose the caverns,
  Dungeons drear beneath the seas,
Toying with the proudest navies,
  Hurling down the giant trees:
He who curbs
    your wildest fury,
  Calms you like to infant's breath,
As a lamb Himself surrendered,
  Bowed his reverend head in death!

Peer of Angels! space outreaching,
  Stars, sun, moon, thy grandeur show;
Thunder, lightning, earthquake, tempest,
  Less in might sublime than THOU!
For thy welfare, haughty Rebel,
  Thee from error back to bring,
Jesus meekly bore thine insults:
  Weep - repent - believe - and sing!

tr. 1854 Joseph Morris
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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