Iesu ydyw Brenin

(Y Goron Ddrain)
Iesu ydyw Brenin
  Dïoddefwyr byd;
Llechwn rhag y ddrycin
  Dan Ei gysgod clyd.
Coron buddugoliaeth
  Wisgodd dan Ei glwy; -
Pery Ei lywodraeth
  Ar bob gofid mwy.

Trefnodd Dwyfol gariad
  Goron ddrain i gyd,
Er perffeithio Ceidwad
  I golledig fyd.
Fe ddaeth, drwy Ei boenau,
  Deyrnas iddo Ef:
Plyga'r cenhedlaethau
  I'w lywodraeth gref.

Coron ddrain gofidiau
  Eto sy'n y byd,
Er perffeithio'r seintiau
  O'u gwendidau i gyd:
Llifodd o archollion
  Coron ddrain Mab Duw
Falm, i wella dyfnion
  Glwyfau dynol ryw.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1878-1928

Tôn [6565D]: Maesgwyn (John Edwards, Miskin.)

(The Crown of Thorns)
Jesus is the King
  Of a world's sufferers;
Hiding from the bad weather
  Under his cosy shadow.
A crown of victory
  He won under his wound; -
His government shall endure
  Over every grief henceforth.

Divine love arranged
  A crown all of thorns,
To perfect a Saviour
  For a fallen world.
There came, through His pains,
  A kingdom for Him:
The nations shall bow
  To his strong government.

A thorny crown of griefs
  Is still in the world,
To perfect the saints
  From all their weaknesses:
There flowed from the wounds
  Of the Son of God's crown of thorns
Balm, to heal the deep
  Wounds of human kind.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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