Iesu ydyw'r Bugail Da (Ynddo f'enaid lawenhâ)

Iesu ydyw'r Bugail Da, -
Ynddo f'enaid lawenhâ;
  Rhoddodd Ef Ei einioes ddrud
  Dros y defaid yn y byd.

Safodd yn Ei ddwyfol rym
Rhwng y praidd a'r gelyn llym;
  Y mae lloches iddynt hwy
  Rhag pob niwed, yn Ei glwy.

Iesu ydyw'r Bugail Da, -
Ei ffyddlondeb byth barha;
  Tywys ni i borfa fras,
  Ac at loyw afon gras.

Ei wialen Ef a'i ffon,
Ddyry gysur dan fy mron;
  Daw â'r gweiniaid yn Ei gôl, -
  Ni bydd un o'r praidd yn ôl.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tôn [7777]:Battishill (Jonathan Battishill 1738-1801)

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, -
In him my soul will rejoice;
  He gave his precious life
  For the sheep in the world.

He stood in His divine strength
Between the flock and the keen enemy;
  He is a refuge for them
  From all harm, in His wound.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, -
His faithfulness will endure forever;
  He will lead us to thick pasture,
  And to the clear river of grace.

His rod and His staff,
Give comfort under my breast;
  He will bring the weak ones in His bosom, -
  Not one of the flock shall be left behind.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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