Iesu ydyw'r Bugail da (Porthi'r ŵyn a'r defaid wna)

Iesu ydyw'r Bugail da,
Porthi'r ŵyn a'r defaid wna;
Ffyddlon, aeaf fel yr ha', -
  Hoff Fugail yw.

Ceidwad enaid ydyw Ef
Ar ei orsedd yn y nef,
Gwendy'n wastad ar ein llef, -
  Hoff Geidwad yw.

Brenin yw'n y nef a'r llawr,
Llywodraetha'i deyrnas fawr
Drwy ein caru ni bob awr, -
  Hoff Frenin yw.

Ceisiwn gan hol blant y byd
Ddilyn Iesu Grist o hyd, -
Mae'n eu caru hwynt i gyd, -
  Ffrind plant bach yw.
W T Llynfi Davies 1876-1937

Tôn [7774]: Nansi (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)

Jesus is the good Shepherd,
Feed the lambs and the flocks he does;
Faithful, in winter as in the summer, -
  A favourite Shepherd he is.

The Saviour of a soul is He
On his throne in heaven,
He listens constantly to our cry, -
  A favourite Saviour he is.

A King he is in heaven and on the earth,
He governs his great kingdom
While loving us every hour, -
  A favourite Kind he is.

Let us seek, with all the world's children,
To follow Jesus Christ always, -
He is loving them all, -
  A friend of little children his is.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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