Iesu/Crist yw Rhosyn Saron mwyn

Behold the Rose of Sharon here

(Rhosyn Saron Etc.
Can.ii.1—3. Dat.xxii.2.)
Iesu yw Rhosyn Saron mwyn,
A'r Lili mae'r dyffrynnau'n ddwyn;
  A Phren y bywyd heb ei ail,
  Ag iechydwriaeth yn ei ddail.

Fel lili'n tyfu
    'mhlith y drain,
Neu bren afalau 'mysg y rhai'n;
  'R un wedd yw fy Anwylyd drud
  'Mysg miloedd o gariadau'r byd.

Mwy eistedd wnaf y'ngwres y dydd
Dan gysgod hwn, mor hyfryd sydd;
  A'i ffrwyth i'm blas
      fydd melus iawn,
  I'm henaid llwm yn ymborth llawn.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

- - - - -

(Lili'r dyffrynoedd)
Crist ydyw Rhosyn Saron mwyn,
Y Lili mae'r dyffrynau'n ddwyn;
  A phren y bywyd heb ei ail,
  Mae iechydwriaeth yn ei ddail.

Fel Lili hardd
    yn mhlith y drain,
Neu bren afalau'n mysg y rhai'n,
  Rwy'n gwel'd fy Mhrynwr
      hawddgar drud,
  Yn ben ar holl gariadau'r byd.

Dan gysgod hwn i eistedd des,
I orphwys rhag y poenus wres;
  Ei ffrwyth oedd i'm yn felus iawn,
  A lloni'm henaid ganddo gawn.
Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

- - - - -

(Pren afalau)
1,2,3;  1,2,4.
Iesu yw Rhosyn Saron mwyn,
A'r Lili mae'r dyffrynau'n ddwyn,
  A Phren y Bywyd heb ei ail,
  Ag iachawdwríaeth yn ei ddail.

Fel lili'n tyfu
    y'mhlith y drain,
Neu bren afalau 'mhlith y rhai'n;
  'R un wedd 'rwy'n gwel'd
      fy Mhrynwr drud,
  'Mhlith miloedd
      o gariadau'r byd.

Ei gangau gwych yn gysgod fydd,
I'm henaid orphwys ganol dydd,
  A'i ffrwyth yn felus iawn yn wir,
  Tra b'wyf yn aros yn y tir.

Tan gysgod hwn i eistedd de's,
I'm gadw rhag y poethni a'r gwres;
  A'i ffrwyth oedd felys iawn ei flas,
  Ac ymborth llon i'm henaid llaes.
1,2,4: Swp o Ffigys 1825
3: Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Oswestry (<1825)
Peru (<1825)
  Possession (<1825)
  Thanksgiving (<1825)

(The Rose of Sharon Etc.
Song.2:1—3. Rev.22:2.)
Jesus is the gentle Rose of Sharon,
And the Lily which the valleys bear;
  And the Tree of life without its equal,
  With salvation in its foliage.

Like a lily growing
    in the midst of the thorns,
Or an apple tree amongst those;
  In the same way is my dear Beloved
  Amongst thousands of the loves of the world.

Evermore sit I shall in the heat of the day
Under this shadow, which is so delightful;
  And its fruit to my taste
      will be very sweet,
  To my naked soul as full sustenance.

- - - - -

(The Lily of the valleys)
Christ is the gentle Rose of Sharon,
The Lily which the valleys bear;
  And the tree of life without its equal,
  There is salvation in its foliage.

Like a beautiful Lily
    in the midst of the thorns,
Or a apple tree amongst those,
  I am seeing my beautiful,
      precious Redeemer,
  As chief over all the loves of the world.

Under this shadow to sit I came,
To rest from the painful heat;
  Its fruit was to me very sweet,
  And to cheer my soul by it I will get.

- - - - -

(An apple tree)
Jesus is the gentle Rose of Sharon,
And the Lily which the valleys bear,
  And the Tree of Life without its equal,
  With salvation in its foliage.

Like a lily growing
    in the midst of the thorns,
Or a apple tree in the midst of those;
  In the same way I am seeing
      my precious Redeemer,
  In the midst of thousands
      of the loves of the world.

Its brilliant branches as a shade shall be,
To my soul rest at midday,
  And its fruit truly very sweet,
  While ever I remain in the land.

Under this shadow to sit I came,
To keep me from the heat and the warmth;
  And its fruit was of a very sweet taste,
  And cheerful succour to my faint soul.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
Behold the Rose of Sharon here,
The Lily which the valleys bear;
  Behold the Tree of Life, that gives
  Refreshing fruit and healing leaves.

Amongst the thorns
    so lilies shine;
Amongst wild gourds the noble vine;
  So in mine eyes my Saviour proves,
  Amidst a thousand meaner loves.

Beneath his cooling shade I sat,
To shield me from the burning heat;
  Of heav'nly fruit
      he spreads a feast,
  To feed mine eyes and please my taste.

- - - - -

(The Lily of the valleys)
Behold the Rose of Sharon here,
The Lily which the valleys bear;
  Behold the Tree of Life, that gives
  Refreshing fruit and healing leaves.

Amongst the thorns
    so lilies shine;
Amongst wild gourds the noble vine;
  So in mine eyes
      my Saviour proves,
  Amidst a thousand meaner loves.

Beneath his cooling shade I sat,
To shield me from the burning heat;
  Of heav'nly fruit he spreads a feast,
  To feed mine eyes and please my taste.

- - - - -

(An apple tree)
Behold the Rose of Sharon here,
The Lily which the valleys bear;
  Behold the Tree of Life, that gives
  Refreshing fruit and healing leaves.

Amongst the thorns
    so lilies shine;
Amongst wild gourds the noble vine;
  So in mine eyes
      my Saviour proves,
  Amidst a thousand
      meaner loves.

Beneath his cooling shade I sat,
To shield me from the burning heat;
  Of heav'nly fruit he spreads a feast,
  To feed mine eyes and please my taste.

Beneath his cooling shade I sat,
To shield me from the burning heat;
  Of heav'nly fruit he spreads a feast,
  To feed mine eyes and please my taste.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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