Jehofa ddaeth i lawr

1,2,3,4;  1,(2),3.
(Darostyngiad Crist)
  Jehofa ddaeth i lawr,
    O blith neflaidd lu!
Rhyfeddwn ninnau oll yn fawr
    Ei gariad cu!
  Henffych i'r dedwydd ddydd
    Emmanuel a gaed!
Caiff pechaduriaid fyn'd yn rhydd
    Trwy werthfawr waed.

  Duw Abram, gwelwn Ef
    Yn blentyn bychan tlawd;
Jehofa mawr a ddaeth o'r nef
    I wisgo cnawd!
  Henffych i'r dedwydd ddydd &c.

  Cymerodd agwedd gwas
    I guddio'i ddelw ei hun;
Anfeidrol yw dyfnderoedd gras
    I achub dyn:
  Henffych i'r dedwydd ddydd &c.

  Gogoniant fo i Dduw,
    Oedd cān y nefol lu;
Gogoniant, caned dynol ryw,
    Mwy achos sy:
  Rhodd Duw i ni yw Ef,
    Sy bechaduriaid trist;
O! cydfoliannwn ā
      llu'r nef,
    Am Iesu Grist.
werthfawr :: rin ei (werthfawr)

Caniadau Bethel (Casgliad Evan Edwards) 1840

[Mesur: MBD 6686D]

(The Humbling of Christ)
  It was Jehovah who came down,
    From among the heavenly host!
Let us all wonder greatly at
    His dear love!
  Hail to the happy day
    Immanuel was got!
Sinners will get to go free
    Through precious blood.

  The God of Abraham, we see Him
    As a poor, little child;
Great Jehovah who came down from heaven
    To wear flesh!
  Hail to the happy day etc.

  He took the attitude of a servant
    To hide his own image;
Immeasurable are the depths of grace
    To save man:
  Hail to the happy day etc.

  Glory be to God,
    Was the song of the heavenly host;
Glory, let human kind sing,
    Who have more cause:
  God's gift to us He is,
    Who are sad sinners;
O let us praise together with
      the host of heaven,
    About Jesus Christ!
precious :: the merit of his (precious)

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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