Llais mwyn y Bugail Da

Llais mwyn y Bugail Da
  A rydd i'm hedd di-lyth;
'Does delyn yn y nef all wneud
  Peroriaeth gystal fyth.

Adnebydd Ef ei braidd,
  Mae'r defaid yn ei law;
Cânt oll feddiannu bywyd pur
  Yn nhragwyddoldeb draw.

Ânt pawb o nerth i nerth
  Nes cyrraedd Seion lân;
Gogoniant pur gorona'u pen,
  Tragwyddol fydd eu cân.
Adnebydd Ef :: Adnabod mae

Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tonau [MB 6686]:
  Aynhoe (James Nares 1715-83)
Cambridge (Ralph Harrison 1748-1810)
Dennis (H G Nageli 1773-1836)
Franconia (1738 J B König)
Gwengar (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
St Michael (William Crotch 1775-1847)
Sarah (Arnold)

The gentle voice of the good Shepherd
  Will gives me peace unfailing;
There is no harp in heaven which can make
  Sweet music as good ever.

He knows his flock,
  The sheep in his hand;
They can all get to possess a pure life
  In eternity yonder.

They all go from strength to strength
  Until reaching holy Zion;
Pure glory will crown their head,
  Eternal will be their song.

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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