Lliw nos pan oedd hi'n dywyll du

Often I seek my Lord by night

(Cael Crist yn yr Heol a'i ddwyn ef
i'r Eglwys.  Can. iii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)
Lliw nos, pan oedd hi'n dywyll du
Yn fynych ceisiais f'Arglwydd cu;
  A chalon drist y chwiliwn dro,
  Mi ceisiais ef, ni's cefais 'fo.

Cyfodais aethum dros y dref,
Gan holi'n fawr am dano ef,
  Y Gwilwyr glân a welsoch chwi
  Yr hwn sydd hoff gan f'enaid i?"

Weithiau'n fy ffordd y cawn i ef
Wrth gyfarwyddyd llewyrch nef;
  Mi lammwn o lawenydd llawn,
  Ei ddal ef a'i gofleidio wnawn.

Mi dygwn ef i dŷ fy mam,
Dai f'Arglwydd gydâ mi bob cam;
  I 'stefyll Seion, lle mae'r saint
  Yn cael eu geni i'r nefol fraint.

Rhoes yno im' ei galon fwyn,
Yr hon a wanwyd er fy mwyn;
  Rho'is innau f'enaid iddo 'fe,
  Rhwng un a'r llall
      ca'i cariad le.

Tynghedaf holl Deganau'r Byd
Na ddont i ddwyn fy heddwch drud;
  Na phechod ynof i'w gyffroi,
  A pheri'm Ceidwad ffyddlon ffoi.
Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: 8787]

(Finding Christ in the Street and taking
him to the Church.  Song 3:1-5.)
At night, when it was dark black
Often I sought my dear Lord;
  With a sad heart I would search a while
  I sought him, I did not find him.

I arose, I went across the town,
Asking greatly for him,
  Ye holy Watchmen, have you seen
  Him who is dear to my soul?

Sometimes on my way I find him
By the familiar gleam of heaven;
  I would leap full of joy,
  Catch him and embrace him I would.

I would take him to my mother's house,
My Lord would come with me every step;
  To the room of Zion, where the saints are
  Being born to the heavenly privilege.

He gave there to me his gentle heart,
That which was weakened for my sake;
  I, in turn, gave my soul unto him,
  Between one and the other
      its love found a place.

I will swear all the trinkets of the world
They shall not come to take my costly peace;
  Nor sin in me be aroused
  And cause my faithful Saviour to flee.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Christ found in the street, and brought
to the church.  Cant. 3. 1-5.)
Often I seek my Lord by night,
Jesus, my love, my soul's delight;
  With warm desire and restless thought
  I seek him oft, but find him not.

Then I arise, and search the street
Till I my Lord, my Saviour meet;
  I ask the watchmen of the night,
  "Where did you see my soul's delight?"

Sometimes I find him in the way,
Directed by a heavenly ray;
  I leap for joy to see his face,
  And hold him fast in mine embrace.

I bring him to my mother's home,
Nor does my Lord refuse to come,
  To Sion's sacred chambers, where
  My soul first drew the vital air.

He gives me there his bleeding heart,
Pierc'd for my sake with deadly smart;
  I give my soul to him, and there
  Our loves their mutual
      tokens share.

I charge you all, ye earthly toys,
Approach not to disturb my joys;
  Nor sin, nor hell come near my heart,
  Nor cause my Saviour to depart.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707
Vol 1. Hymn 71.

Tune [LM 8888]: Rockbridge
    (Amzi Chapin / Lucius Chapin)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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