Lawr yn y bedd bu Ef

(Low in the grave He lay)

        Lawr yn y bedd bu Ef -
          Iesu fy Ngheidwad!
        Disgwyl y dydd by Ef -
          Iesu fy Nuw!

Fyny o'r beddrod y daeth!
A'i elynion iddo'i gyd yn gaeth,
  Do fe ddaeth yn fyw
      o drrigle du yr haint,
  I deyrnasu mwyach
      gyda'i anwyl saint:
    Codi wneuth! Codi wneuth!
    Haleliwia, cododd Crist.

        Ofer y gwyliwyd bedd -
          Iesu fy Ngheidwad!
        Ofer oedd sêl uwch gwedd -
          Iesu fy Nuw!

        Angeu i angeu fu -
          Iesu fy Ngheidwad!
        Drylliodd ei garchar du -
          Iesu fy Nuw.
cyf. John Ceulanydd Williams (Ceulanydd) 1847?-1899

Tôn: Cododd Crist / Christ Arose
    (Robert Lowry 1826-99)

hefyd: Bu yn y bedd ynghudd
    cyf. Dafydd Owen

        Down in the grave was He -
          Jesus my Saviour!
        Awaiting the day was He -
          Jesus my God!

Up from the tomb he came!
With all his enemies captive,
  Yes he came alive from
      the black habitation of the disease,
  To the greater kingdom
      with his dear saints:
    Rise he did! Rise he did!
    Hallelujah, Christ rose.

        In vain was the grave watched -
          Jesus my Saviour!
        In vain was a seal above a face -
          Jesus my God!

        Death to death he was -
          Jesus my Saviour!
        He broke the black prison -
          Jesus my God!
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion
        Low in the grave He lay,
          Jesus my Savior,
        Waiting the coming day,
          Jesus my Lord!

Up from the grave He arose,
With a mighty triumph o'er His foes,
  He arose a Victor
      from the dark domain,
  And He lives forever,
      with His saints to reign.
    He arose! He arose!
    Hallelujah! Christ arose!

        Vainly they watch His bed,
          Jesus my Saviour;
        Vainly they seal the dead,
          Jesus my Lord!

        Death cannot keep its Prey,
          Jesus my Saviour;
        He tore the bars away,
          Jesus my Lord!
1847 Robert Lowry 1826-99

Tune: Christ Arose (Robert Lowry 1826-99)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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