Llais hyfryd rhad ras s'n gwaeddi Dihangfa

The voice of free grace cries Escape to the mountain

(Haleliwia i'r Oen)
Llais hyfryd rhad ras
    sy'n gweiddi, Dihangfa,
Yng nghlwyfau Mab Duw,
    bechadur, mae noddfa
  I olchi aflendid
      a phechod yn hollol,
  Fe redodd ei waed
      yn ffrydiau iachusol:

    Haleliwia i'r Oen
        bwrcasodd ein pardwn,
    'N ôl croesi Iorddonen
        drachefn ni a'i molwn.

Ar angau ac uffern
    cadd lawn fuddugoliaeth,
Ysbeiliodd holl allu'r
    tywyllwch ar unwaith;
  Holl filwyr y groes
      cânt ynddo dangnefedd;
  Fe'u harwain hwy'n sicir
      i berffaith orfoledd:

'N ôl tirio yn iach
    i'r tawel anheddau,
Ni a seiniwn ei glod
    ar euraid delynau;
  Trwy'r nefol ardaloedd
      ni a'i molwn byth bythol,
  Wrth rodio ar lennydd
      yr afon dragwyddol:
cyf. David Charles 1762-1834

Tonau []:
Hyfrydlais (Rees Williams 1846-)
  Llais Hyfryd (alaw Morfian)
Rhâd Râs (J W Parson Price 1839-1918)
Rhad Ras (alaw Ffrangeg/Gymreig)

(Hallelujah to the Lamb)
The delightful voice of free grace
    is shouting, An escape,
In the wounds of God's Son,
    sinner, there is refuge
  To wash uncleanness
      and sin completely,
  His blood ran
      in healing streams:

    Hallelujah to the Lamb
        who purchased our pardon,
    After crossing Jordan
        repeatedly we will praise him.

Over death and hell
    he gained a full victory,
He despoiled all the powers
    of the darkness at once;
  All the soldiers of the cross
      may have peace in him;
  He leads them securely
      to perfect rest:

After landing safely
    at the quiet habitations,
We will sound his praise
    on golden harps;
  Through the heavenly regions
      we will praise forever and ever,
  While roaming the banks
      of the eternal river:
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
The voice of free grace cries,
    "Escape to the mountain;
For Adam's lost race Christ
    hath opened a fountain:
  For sin and uncleanness,
      and every transgression,
  His blood flows most freely,
      in streams of salvation."

    Hallelujah to the Lamb,
        who has purchased our pardon!
    We will praise Him again
        when we pass over Jordan.

Now glory to God
    in the highest is given;
Now glory to God
    is re-echoed in Heaven;
  Around the whole earth
      let us tell the glad story,
  And sing of His love,
      His salvation and glory.

O Jesus, ride on -
    Thy kingdom is glorious;
O'er sin, death and hell,
    Thou wilt make us victorious:
  Thy Name shall be praised
      in the great congregation,
And saints shall ascribe
      unto Thee their salvation.

When on Zion we stand,
    having gained the blest shore,
With our harps in our hands,
    we will praise evermore;
  We'll range the blest fields
      on the banks of the river,
  And sing of redemption
      forever and ever.
Richard Burdsall 1735-1824

Tune [11.11.12.(12).11.12.12.(12)]:
Scotland (John Clarke 1770-1836)

Tune []: Free Grace (J Kidd)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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