Llanwer ni ag ysbryd gweddi

(Ysbryd gweddi)
Llanwer ni ag ysbryd gweddi -
  Ysbryd llawn o daerni dwys;
Ysbryd gofyn hyd nes derbyn,
  Y bendithion mwya'u pwys:
Ysbryd llawn o deimlad bywiog,
  Lanwo galon pawb o'r byw;
Boed yn amlwg ar eneidiau,
  Weithrediadau Ysbryd Duw.
D Silvan Evans (Daniel Las) 1818-1903

Tonau [8787D]:
Llansanan (alaw Gymreig)
Tanycastell (John Jones 1796-1857)
Tanymarian (E J Stephen 1822-85)

(The Spirit of Prayer)
May we be filled with a spirit of prayer -
  A spirit full of earnest tenacity;
A spirit of asking until receiving,
  The blessings of greatest weight:
May a spirit full of lively feeling,
  Fill the heart of all of the living;
Evident upon souls may the activities
  Of the Spirit of God be.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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