Llygredig o'wn yn d'od i'r byd

(Pechod gwreiddiol a gweithredol yn cael ei gyfaddaf)
Llygredig o'wn yn d'od i'r byd,
Llygredig iawn wy'n para o hyd:
  Heb ddim daioni ynnwi'n bod.
Gwaed gwerthfawr Iesu, heb ddim llai,
Sydd yn ddigonol i'm glanhau:
  I'w enw mawr y byddo'r clod.

Er i mi adael tŷ fy nhâd,
A myned i ddieithrol wlad,
  A byw'n afradlon, ddydd a nos,
Mae groesaw i'm ddyfod tu a thre;
Oes, trwy drugaredd, etto le;
  Caiff Iesu glod,
      am angau'r groes.

'Rwy'n canu ychydig, ambell waith,
Yngwlad y cystudd ar fy nhaith;
  Wrth edrych ar ddaioni Duw:
Mi gana, heb flino,
    a llafar lef,
Os caf fy nwyn yn iach i'r nef,
  I gael yngwlad goleuni fyw.
George Lewis 1763-1822

[Mesur: 888D]

(Original and active sin being confessed)
Corrupt I was coming into the world,
Very corrupt I am still continuing:
  With no goodness being within me.
The precious blood of Jesus, no less,
Is sufficient to cleanse me:
  To his great name be the praise.

Although I left my father's house,
And went to a foreign land,
  And lived wastefully, day and night,
There is a welcome for me to come home;
Yes, through mercy, there is still room;
  Jesus shall get praise,
      for the death of the cross.

I am singing a little, occasionally,
In the land of affliction on my journey;
  While looking on the goodness of my God:
I shall sing, without wearying,
    with a loud voice,
If I get brought safe to heaven,
  To get to live in the land of light.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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