Llewygai'r haul yn entrych nen

(Buddugoliaeth y Groes - Rhan II)
Llewygai'r haul yn entrych nen,
  Pan oedd ei Grewr mawr,
Yn natur dyn yn crymu'i ben,
  Yn angeu loes i lawr.

Fe grynai'r ddaear, rhwygai'r graig,
  Yr awr ryfedda erioed,
Pan oedd E'n dryllio pen y ddraig
  Yn chwilfriw dan ei droed.

Lle'r benglog mwyach fydd y lle
  Enwocaf ar y llawr,
Canys yno drylliwyd penglog hen
  Lefiathan uffern fawr.

Fe rwygai llen y deml yn ddwy
  Pan y gogwyddai'i ben,
I ddangos fod y llwybr mwy
  Yn rhydd i'r nefoedd wen.

Ei glod a'i fawl
    ni dderfydd mwy
  Am faith drag'wyddol oes,
Am ddiystyru a myned trwy
  Waradwydd angeu'r groes.
William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Southampton (Chetham's Psalmody 1718)
Tallis (Thomas Tallis c.1505-85)

Rhan I - Cyduned holl dafodau'r oes
Dyrchafodd Crist o waelod bedd

(The Victory of the Cross - Part 2)
The sun would faint in the vault of heaven,
  When the great Creator was,
In the nature of man bowing his head,
  Down in the throes of death.

The earth would quake, the rocks would split,
  The most amazing hour ever,
When he was smashing the dragon's head
  Into smithereens under his feet.

Where the skull henceforth will be the most
  Famous place on the earth,
Since there was smashed the old skull
  Of the Leviathan of great hell.

The curtain of the temple would rend in two
  When he would tilt his head,
To show that the path is evermore
  Free to the bright heavens.

His acclaim and hi praise
    shall not cease any more
  For a vast eternal age,
For disdaining and going through
  The shame of the death of the cross.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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