Llewyrcha'th wyneb dychwel ni

(Salm LXXX. 3,8,14,19.)
Llewyrcha'th wyneb, dychwel ni
  Duw, ti a'n cedwi'n gyflym:
Duw'r lluoedd! clyw ein gweddi ni,
  Pa hyd y sori wrthym?

Dygaist o'r Aipht winwydden îr,
  Rhoist iddi dir i dyfu;
A'r holl genhedloedd o bob man,
  Troist allan cyn ei phlanu.

O Dduw y lluoedd ! edrych, gwêl,
  A dychwel i ymg'leddu
Y winllan hon, a blenaist di
  A'th law, a'i rhoddi i dyfu.

A dychwel etto ni i fyw,
  O Arglwydd Dduw y lluoedd!
Tywyna arnom d'wyneb pryd,
  Ni a gawn iechyd bythoedd.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Minden (<1869)
Padarn (John Roberts 1822-77)

gwelir: O Dduw y lluoedd edrych gwêl

(Psalm 80:3,8,14,19.)
Shine thy face, return us
  God, thou wilt save us quickly:
God of hosts, hear our prayer!
  How long wilt thou be angry with us?

Thou didst bring from Egypt a fresh vine,
  Thou gavest to it land to grow;
And all the nations of every place,
  Thou didst turn out before planting it.

O God of hosts, look, see!
  And return to succour
This vineyard, thou didst plant
  With thy hand, and grant it to grow!

And return us again to live,
  O Lord God of hosts!
Shine upon us thy countenance,
  We shall get health forever.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
 3 Do thou convert us, Lord, do thou
     the lustre of thy face display;
   And all the ills we suffer now
     like scattered clouds shall pass away.

 8 Thou brought'st a vine from Egypt's land,
     and, casting out the heathen race,
   Didst plant it with thine own right hand,
     and firmly fixed it in their place.

14 To thee, O God of hosts, we pray;
     thy wonted goodness, Lord, renew;
   From heav'n, thy throne, this vine survey,
     and her sad state with pity view.

19 Do thou convert us, Lord; do thou
     the lustre of thy face display;
   And all the ills we suffer now,
     like scattered clouds shall pass away.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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