London New

London / Newtown / Newtoun Tune

[MC : 8686 : CM]

Scottish Psalter 1635

The Psalmes of David in Prose and Meeter. With their whole Tunes in foure or mo parts, and some Psalmes in Reports.
Whereunto is added many godly Prayers, and an exact Kalendar for XXV yeeres to come. Printed at Edinburgh by the Heires of Andrew Hart.

Present form of melody in

Psalms & Hymns in Solemn Musick of Foure Parts, John Playford, 1671.

(Cyd ganwn âg angelion glân) / Come let us join our cheerful songs
(Cydunwn â'r angelion fry) / Come let us join our cheerful songs
(Dewch codwn fyny i'r nef uwch ben) / Come let us lift our joyful eyes
(Dewch unwn ein caniadau pêr) / Come let us join our cheerful songs
(Dirgelion anchwiliadwy oll) / God moves in a mysterious way
(Dyfnderoedd anchwiliadwy yw) / God moves in a mysterious way
Dyrchafer enw Iesu cu (Coronwch Ef yn Ben)
Mae brodyr i mi aeth ymlaen
(Mae Duw yn myned rhagddo) / God moves in a mysterious way
Mae pren y bywyd wedi ei gael
Mae'r iachawdwriaeth fel y môr
Ni gawsom y Messia'n rhad
O Frenin nef a daear lawr
(Trwy ddirgel ffyrdd mae'r uchel Iôr) / God moves in a mysterious way
Uwch pob rhyw gariad îs y nef
Wel cyfod f'enaid gwel y wlad
(Ymsymud mewn llwybrau dirgelaidd) / God moves in a mysterious way
Yn nhŷ ein Duw clodforwn ef

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