Ein Duw ymddangosodd mewn cnawd A wisgodd holl natur y dyn, Y Cyfaill anwylach nâ brawd, Ei gariad melysach nâ'r gwîn; A'i wyneb mil harddarch nâ'r wawr, Ei aberth mwy gwerthfawr nâ'r byd; Fe dalodd bob dyled i lawr, Fe groeswyd y 'sgrifen i gyd. Fel fflammau angerddol o dân Yw cariad f'Anwylyd i ddyn; Fe losgodd bob rhwystr o'i fla'n, Fe yfodd o'r afon ei hun: Ymaflodd mewn dyn ar y llawr, Fe'i dygodd â'r Duwdod yn un; A'r pellder oedd rhyngddynt mor fawr A lanwodd â'i haeddiant ei hun. Fe goeswyd y 'sgrifen :: Fe groesodd 'r ysgrifau
1: John Williams (Ioan ab Gwilym) 1728-1806
Tonau [8888D]: |
Our God appeared in flesh And wore the whole nature of man, The Friend dearer than a brother, His love sweeter than the wine; And his face a thousand times more beautiful than the dawn, His sacrifice more precious than the world; He paid every debt down, The bill was cancelled altogether. Like intense flames of fire Is the love of my Beloved for man; It burned every obstacle before it, He drank from the river himself: He flung himself in man to the ground, He brought him with the Godhead to be one; And the distance that was between them so great He filled with his own merit. The bill was cancelled :: He cancelled the bills tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion |