Mae achos llawenhau

(Atgyfodiad Crist - Rhan II)
  Mae achos llawenhau,
    Wrth gofio'r boreu cu,
  Ynillodd Iesu'n glau,
    Alweddau'r dyfnder du:
Fe dreiglwydd draw y pwysig faen,
Yn rhydd o'i flaen gan nefol law.

  Er rhoi ar bren y groes
    Ei anwyl oes tan glwy',
  Gan angau byth nid oes
    Awdwrdod arno mwy;
Agorodd ddôr y dyffryn du,
O flaen ei lu anwylaf Ior!

  Daw'r saint
        o lwch y bedd,
    Ar wedd
          eu Priod cu,
  I lawn dragwyddol wledd,
    Mewn gwir orfoledd fry;
Dyrchafant draw
      o'r dyfndr cudd,
Cânt ddod yn rhydd,
      mae'r dydd ger-llaw.

  Pan losgo'r ddaear lawr,
    A'i mawredd o bob rhyw,
  Fe genir am yr awr
    Daeth Ef o'i fedd yn fyw:
Bydd cof am hon gan ddisglair lu
Aneirif fry, byth ger ei fron.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850

Tôn [666688]: Lovely (J D Edwards 1805-85)

Rhan I - Cyfododd Brenin hedd
Daw'r saint o lwch y bedd
O rwymau angeu caeth

(The Resurrection of christ)
  There is a cause to rejoice,
    On remembering the dear morning,
  When Jesus won quickly,
    The keys of the black death:
Rolled away was the heavy stone,
Free before him by a heavenly hand.

  Although putting on the wood of the cross
    His dear lifespan under a wound,
  Death shall never have
    Authority any more;
He opened the door of the black vale,
Before its host, the most beloved Lord!

  The saints shall come from
        the dust of the grave.
    In the likeness of
          their dear Bridegroom,
  To an abundant eternal feast,
    In true rejoicing above;
They shall rise yonder
      from the hidden depth,
They will get to come free,
      the day is at hand.

  When burns the earth below,
    And its greatness of every kind,
  It is to be sung of the hour
    He came from the grave alive:
This will be remembered by a shining throng
Innumerable above, forever before him.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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