Mae('r) amser hyfryd yn nesâu

(Adferiad yr Iuddewon)
Mae'r amser hyfryd yn nesâu
Daw'r llwythau pell gan lawenhau,
  I arddel Crist dan awel gref,
  A thanllyd nerth ei Ysbryd Ef.

Cyflawnder y Cenhedloedd sydd,
Ar ddod i mewn, O hyfryd ddydd!
  Teyrnasa Iesu'n Frenin gras,
  Ar holl dylwythau'r ddaear las.

            - - - - -

Mae amser hyfryd yn nesâu
Pan dderfydd pob
    rhyw grefydd gau;
  Teyrnasa Iesu'n Frenin gras,
  Ar holl dylwythau'r ddaear las.

Cyflawnder y Cenhedloedd sydd,
Ar dd'od i mewn - O ryfedd ddydd,
  Ac Israel hęn ddewisol had,
  A ddônt i gredu yn mhob gwlad.

Er iddynt wrthod
    Crist trwy wawd,
Pan ydoedd gynt yn gwisgo cnawd;
  Derbyniant Grist
      mewn llawen lef,
  Trwy ryfedd nerth
      ei Ysbryd Ef.

Gogoniant y Messiah mawr,
A leinw wyneb daear lawr;
  Dim gwaith i'r cledd
      fygythio clwy,
  Na neb yn dysgu rhyfel mwy.

Hiraethu mae pob perchen ffydd,
Gan ddyfal ddysgwyl am y dydd;
  Pan welir pawb o ddynol-ryw,
  Mewn bywyd hardd ar ddelw Duw.
David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Boston (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Constance (Claude Goudimel 1510-72)
Eden (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(The Restoration of the Jews)
The delightful time is approaching
The distant tribes shall come rejoicing,
  To own Christ under the strong breeze,
  And the fiery strength of His Spirit.

The fullness of the Nations are,
About to come in, O delightful day!
  Jesus the King of grace shall reign
  Over all the tribes of the green earth.

                 - - - - -

The delightful time is approaching
When every kind of false
    belief shall vanish;
  Jesus shall reign as the King of grace,
  Over all the tribes of the green earth.

The fullness of the Nations are,
About to come in -  O wonderful day,
  And Israel, the old chosen seed,
  Shall come to believe in every land.

Although they rejected
    Christ through scorn,
When he was formerly wearing flesh;
  They shall accept Christ
      with a joyful cry,
  Through the wonderful
      strength of His Spirit.

The glory of the great Messiah,
Shall fill the face of earth below;
  No work for the sword
      that threatens a wound,
  Nor any learning war any more.

Longing is every possessor of faith,
While devotedly waiting for the day;
  When all of human-kind are to be seen,
  In a beautiful life in the image of God.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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