Mae angel gwyn yn gwylio

(Angel Gwyn yn Gwylio)
Mae angel gwyn yn gwylio,
  Ac yn gofalu am
Bererin sydd yn teithio
  I'r nef, o gam i gam:
Rhag i'r pererin wyro
  I'r dde neu'r aswy law;
Yn barod i'w gyfeirio
  Mae'r angel gwyn gerllaw.

Mae angel gwyn yn gwylio,
  Pechadur egwan sydd
Yn ffyddiog yn gweddïo
  Am "nerth yn ol y dydd";
Yr Iesu glyw mewn eiliad
  Ochenaid wan o'r glyn,
A dwyn yn ol atebiad
  Yw gwaith yr angel gwyn.

Wrth wely marw'r Cristion
  Yn barod - angel sydd,
I'w ddwyn uwch llif yr afon
  I wlad y nefol ddydd;
A glŷn yr angel wrtho
  O flaen yr orsedd wen,
Nes gwel'd yr Iesu'n wisgo
  Y goron ar ei ben.
Daniel James (Gwyrosydd) 1847-1920

Tôn [8787D]: An Angel White Is Watching
    (W T Samuel 1852-1917)

(A White Angel Watching)
A white angel is watching,
  And caring for
A pilgrim who is travelling
  To heaven, step by step:
Lest the pilgrim veer
  To the right or to the left hand;
Ready to direct him
  The white angel is at hand.

A white angel is watching,
  A weak sinner who is
Hopefully praying
  For "strength according to the day";
Jesus hears in a second
  A weak groan from the vale,
and bringing back an answer
  Is the work of the white angel.

By the death bed of the Christian
  Ready - an angel is,
To bear him above the river's flood
  To the land of heavenly day;
And the angel will stick to him
  Before the white throne,
Until he sees Jesus wearing
  The crown on his head.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
(An Angel White is Watching)
An angel white is guarding,
  And guiding on his way,
From ev'ry danger warding
  The pilgrim on his way:
When falt'ring, stumbling blindly;
  When lurking foes are near -
To lead him gently, kindly,
  The angel-guard stands near.

An angel white is watching
  Near him who low doth pray,
'Mid toils and cares unceasing,
  For "strength unto the day."
And Jesus quickly heareth
  The faintest, softest sigh;
And swift to bring the answer
  The angel-guard doth fly.

When the good man lies dying
  The angel waiteth there
His soul across the torrent
  To its bright home to hear:
And leads him on and brings him
  Before the Great White Throne,
Where Jesus waits to crown him
  With glory like his own!
tr. Rhys D Morgan
Llwlyfr Moliant yr Ysgol Sabbothol 1897

Tune [8787D]: An Angel White Is Watching
    (W T Samuel 1852-1917)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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