Mae angeu'r groes yn fwy

Mae angeu'r groes yn fwy
  Na haeddiant yr holl fyd;
Y mae griddfanau dwyfol glwy'
  Yn gyfoeth drud:
Fe gènir myrdd yn wyn,
  Oll fel yr eira mân,
Ceir gwel'd rhai ffiaidd ar ol hyn
  Yn berffaith lân.

Anturiaf finnau mwy,
  Er cymmaint yw fy mai,
Trwy'r haeddiant dwyfol
    sy'n Ei glwy,
  Heb lwfrhau:
O flaen yr orsedd wen,
  Ffieiddiaf ddyn o'r blaen,
Gan gredu gall Tywysog nen
  Fy ngwneyd yn lân.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [6684D]: Leoni (alaw Iddewig)

  Am fod fy Iesu'n fyw
  O f'enaid hêd i'r làn

The death of the cross is greater
  Than the merit of the whole world;
The groans of a divine wound are
  Costly wealth:
A myriad are to be bleached white,
  All like the fine snow;
Some thousands are to be seen after this
  Perfectly clean.

I also shall venture more,
  Despite the extent of my fault
Through the divine merit
    which is in His wound:
  Without losing heart:
Before his white throne,
  I shall detest man foremost,
While believing the Prince of heaven can
  Make me clean.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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