Mae angylion y plant

Mae angylion y plant
Yn beraidd eu tant
  Bob amser yn byw
  O flaen ŵyneb Duw;
Ânt ar amnaid i'w taith
Er mwyn plant daear faith,
  Ânt ar amnaid i'w taith
  Er mwyn plant daear faith.

Yr hawddgaraf o'r llu
Sy'n gwarchod yn gu,
  Ar lwybrau rhai gwan
  I'w harwain i'r lan;
Rhoddwn fawl ar bêr dant
Am angylion y plant.
  Rhoddwn fawl ar bêr dant
  Am angylion y plant.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tôn [6555.6666]: Wiegenlied/Lullaby
    (Johannes Brahms 1806–72)

The children's angels are
With their sweet string
  Always living
  Before God's face;
They go on wings to their journey
On behalf of the vast earth's children,
  They go on wings to their journey
  On behalf of the vast earth's children.

The most beautiful of the host
Are watching dearly,
  Over the paths of the weak
  To lead them to the shore;
Let us render praise on a sweet string
For the children's angels,
  Let us render praise on a sweet string
  For the children's angels.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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