Mae ardderchawgrwydd yn ei ffyrdd

(Yr Arglwydd yn ddoeth yn ei ffyrdd)
Mae ardderchawgrwydd yn ei ffyrdd
Mae gras a rhyfeddodau fyrdd;
  Cadarnach ar ei orsedd yw
  Na thwrf y cedyrn o bob rhyw.

Arswyded daear ger ei fron,
Ac ymostynged beilchion hon;
  Mae'n hoffi barn,
      mewn nerth a gras,
  Mae yn darostwng cyrn ei gas.

Mae'i lwybrau yn y dyfnder mawr,
Weithiau i fynu weithiau i lawr;
  Gras a doethineb, yn mhob man,
  Trwy hyn sy'n
      dysgu f'enaid gwan.

Molianer enw'r Arglwydd Ion,
Am ei sancteiddrwydd ef b'o son;
  Barn ac uniondeb, ar bob awr,
  Yw ffyrdd a llwybrau'r Arglwydd mawr.
Caniadau y Cysegr 1855

Mesur [MH 8888]

(The Lord as wise in his ways)
There is excellence in his ways
There is grace and a myriad wonders;
  More secure on his throne he is
  Than a host of the secure of every kind.

Let the earth be horrified before him,
And let these proud ones be humbled;
  He is fond of judgment,
      in strength and grace,
  He is lowering the horn of his hatred.

His paths are in the great depths,
Sometimes up sometimes down;
  Grace and wisdom, in every place,
  Through this which is
      teaching my weak soul.

The Sovereign Lord's name is to be praised,
For his holiness to be sounded;
  Judgment and uprightness, every hour,
  Are the roads and paths of the great Lord.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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