Mae arnaf eisiau sêl

I want a true regard

Mae arnaf eisiau sêl,
  A chariad at dy waith;
Nid rhag ofn y gosp a ddêl,
  Nac am y wobr chwaith;
Ond gwir ddymuniad llawn,
  Ddyrchafu'th gyfiawn glod,
Am i ti wrthyf drugarhau
  A chofio am dana'i 'rioed.

Rho grefydd gywir im',
  A ddalio rym y tân;
Yn ŵyneb rhyfel poeth a llym,
  O! Iesu, tyn fi 'mlaen;
Yn Salem yn y man,
  Heb ofnau dan fy mron,
Y seiniaf glod, heb boen na phla,
  Ymhlith y dyrfa lon.
A chariad at :: I'm cymhell at
Ddyrchafu'th gyfiawn :: Dyrchafu cyfiawn
A chofio am dana :: Ac edrych arna

1: cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
2: Thomas Phillips 1772-1842

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Foelallt (M O Jones 1842-1908)
Gobaith (Tom Price 1857-1925)
Iona (alaw Gymreig)
Llanllyfni (John Jones 1796-1857)
Nes i Dre (Isaac B Woodbury 1819-58)
St Barnabas (J H Schein 1568-1630)

I want a zeal,
  And love for thy work;
Nor from fear of the punishment to come,
  Nor for the prize either;
But a full, true desire,
  To raise thy righteous praise,
For thy mercies to me
  And remembering me always.

Give true faith to me,
  That it keep the force of the fire;
In the face of hot and sharp war,
  O Jesus, draw me forward;
In Salem soon,
  Without fear under my breast,
I will sound praise, without pain or plague,
  Amongst the cheerful throng.
And love for :: To keep me at
To raise thy righteous :: To raise righteous
And remembering :: And looking upon

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

I want a true regard,
  A single, steady aim,
Unmoved by threat'ning or reward
  To Thee and Thy great Name.
A jealous, just concern
  For Thine immortal praise;
A pure desire that all may learn
  And glorify Thy grace.

I rest upon Thy Word;
  The promise is for me;
My comfort and salvation, Lord,
  Shall surely come from Thee.
But let me still abide,
  Nor from my hope remove,
Till Thou my patient spirit guide
  Into Thy perfect love.

1742 Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tunes [DSM 6686D]:
Diademata (George J Elvey 1816-93)
Leominster (George W Martin c.1825-81)
Potsdam (1750 adapted from J S Bach 1685-1750)
Richmond (Asa B Everett 1828-1875)

see: Jesus my strength my hope

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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