Mae bedydd Crist yn ordinhad Sydd yn arwyddo'r dŵr a'r gwaed A drefnodd Duw i olchi dyn Oddiwrth ei holl halogrwydd blin. Mae'n arwydd o'r cyfammod rhad Y sy rhwng Duw a'r saint a'u had - Yn foddion o gyflwyniad gwiw I deulu a gwasanaeth duw. O oes i oes bu'r saint a'u had Yn ddeiliaid y cyfammod rhad; Babanod ieuainc, llesg eu llef, Sy'n etifeddion teyrnas nef.Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844 Tôn [MH 8888]: Yr Hen Ganfed (Salmydd Genefa 1551) |
The baptism of Christ is an ordinance Which signifies the water and the blood Which God arranged to wash man From all his grievous defilement. It is a sign of the free covenant Which is between God and the saints and their seed - As medicine of worthy presentation To the family and service of God. From age to age have the saints and their seed been Tenants of the free covenant; Young infants, feeble their cry, Are heirs of the kingdom of 2008 Richard B Gillion |