Mae byd o sylwedd i barhau

(Cyfaill yn y Glyn)
Mae byd o sylwedd i barhau,
Ac oriau sobor yn nesâu, 
  Pan ddelo angau, brenin braw,
  I roddi arnaf bwys ei law!

Pan ddelo'r oriau hyn i ben,
I adael pobpeth īs y nen;
  Pan gefno pob rhyw gyfaill cu,
  Iesu, pryd hyny, cofia fi.

Os yn y dyffryn tywyll, dû,
Caf wedd dy wyneb, Iesu cu,
  Tawela ddychryniadau'r bedd,
  Try angau imi'n felys hedd.

I blith y dorf ddysgleiriaf draw,
O dwg fy enaid ddydd a ddaw,
  I uno gyda'r lluoedd llon
  Mewn pêr ganiadau ger dy fron.
Diferion y Cyssegr 1809

Tôn [MH 8888]:
Ffrydiau Babilon (Thomas Campion 1567-1619)

(A Friend in the Glen)
The world of substance is to remain,
And serious hours are drawing near,
  when comes death, the king of terror,
  To put the weight of his hand on me!

When these hours come to an end,
To leave everything under the sky;
  When every kind of dear friend backs off,
  Jesus, at that time, remember me.

If in the dark, black valley,
I gain thy countenance, dear Jesus,
  Quieten the terrors of the grave,
  Turn death for me into sweet peace.

Amongst the multitude I will shine yonder,
O lead my soul on the day which will come,
  To join with the cheerful multitudes
  In sweet songs before thee.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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