Da yw y groes y gwradwydd
Mae Crist a'i w'radwyddiadau

(Croes Crist)
Da yw y groes, y gw'radwydd,
  Y gwawd, a'r erlid trist,
Y dirmyg a'r cystuddiau,
  Sydd gyda Iesu Grist;
Can's yn ei groes mae coron,
  Ac yn ei wawd mae bri,
A phleser yn ei gariad
  Sydd fwy na'n daear ni.     [WW]

Rho brofi grym
      ei gariad,
  Sydd annherfynol fôr,
I'm tynu tua'r bywyd
  Fy Nuw, a'm cadarn Iôr:
Goleuni Haul Cyfiawnder,
  A'i nefol hyfryd wres,
A ddwg fy ysbryd egwan
  I'r nefoedd wen yn nês.     [DW]

          - - - - -

Mae Crist a'i w'radwyddiadau,
  A'i groesau o bob rhyw,
Yn ddigon imi i farw 
  Yn ddigon imi i fyw; 
Can's yn ei groes mae coron, 
  Ac yn ei wawd mae bri,
A thrysor yn ei gariad
  Sydd fwy na'n daear ni.     [WW]

Rho brofi grym dy gariad
  Sydd annherfynol fôr, 
A thyn fi tua'r bywyd,
  Fy Nuw a'm cadarn Iôr!
Goleuni Haul Cyfiawnder,
  A'i hyfryd nefol wres,
A ddaw a'm hysbryd egwan 
  I'r nefoedd wen yn nes.     [DW]

          - - - - -

Mae Crist a'i w'radwyddiadau,
  A'i groesau o bob rhyw,
Yn ddigon i mi farw
  Yn ddigon i mi fyw;
Can's yn ei groes mae coron,
  Ac yn ei wawd mae bri,
A thrysor yn ei gariad
  Sydd fwy na'n daear ni.     [WW]

Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion
  I ddod o'r cystudd mawr;
Â'i werthfawr waed Fe dalodd
  Eu dyled oll i lawr:
Nid oes dim damnedigaeth
  I neb o'r duwiol had;
Y gwaredigion canent
  Am rinwedd mawr ei waed.    [MR]

Wel dyma Un sy'n maddeu
  Pechodau rif y gwlith;
'Does mesur ar ei gariad,
  Na therfyn iddo byth;
Mae'n 'mofyn lle i dosturio,
  Mae'n hoffi trugarhau;
Trugaredd i'r amddifaid
  Sydd ynddo i barhau.        [MR]

Fe genir ac fe genir,
  Yn nhragwyddoldeb maith,
Os gwelir un pererin,
  Mor llesg ar ben ei daith;
A gurwyd mewn tymhestloedd,
  A olchwyd yn y gwaed,
A gànwyd ac a gadwyd,
  Trwy'r iachawdwriaeth rad.  [DM]
WW: William Williams 1717-91
DW: Dafydd William 1720-94
MR: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
DM: Dafydd Morris 1744-91

Tonau [7676D]:
America (<1845)
Arlington (Thomas Arne 1710-78)
Bethlehem Green (Matthew W Davies 1885-1947)
Caerllyngoed (Stephen Llwyd 1794-1854)
Chenies (T R Matthews 1826-1910)
Crüger (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Elau (<1875)
Ellacombe (St Gall Gesangbuch)
Ewing (Alexander Ewing 1830-95)
Jabez (alaw Gymreig)
Mannheim (Hans L Hassler 1564-1612)
Meirionydd (William Lloyd 1786-1852)
Mount St (Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)
Rhyddid (alaw Gymreig)
Via Crucis (Evan T Davies 1878-1969)

  Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion
  Mae'r Iesu mawr yn maddeu
  Os dof i trwy'r anialwch
  Pa dduw ymhlith y duwiau?
  Wel dyma'r Un sy'n maddeu

(The Cross of Christ)
Good is the cross, the mocking,
  The derision, and the sad persecution,
The scorn and the afflictions,
  That Jesus Christ has;
Since in his cross is a crown,
  And in his derision is honour,
And the pleasure in his love
  Is greater than our earth.

Grant an experience of the strength
    of his love,
  Which is a boundless sea,
To draw me towards the life
  Of my God, and my firm Lord:
The light of the Sun of Righteousness,
  And his delightful heavenly warmth,
Shall bring my weak spirit
  To bright heaven next.

                 - - - - -

Christ and his reproaches,
  And his crosses of every kind,
Are sufficient for me to die
  Sufficient for me to live;
For in his cross is a crown,
  In in his scorn is honour,
And a treasure in his love
  Which is more than our earth.

Give an experience of the force of thy love
  Which is a boundless sea,
Which draws me towards life,
  My God and my strong Lord!
Light of the Sun of Righteousness,
  And its lovely heavenly warmth,
Which will bring my weak spirit
  To the blessed heavens soon.

                 - - - - -

Christ and his reproaches,
  And his crosses of every kind,
Are sufficient for me to die
  Sufficient for me to live;
For in his cross is a crown,
  In in his scorn is honour,
And a treasure in his love
  Which is more than our earth.

He opened the door to the captives
  To come from the great affliction;
With his valuable blood he paid
  All their debt down:
There is no condemnation
  To any of the divine seed;
May the delivered sing
  About the great virtue of his blood!

See here is One who forgives
  Sins numerous as the dew;
There is no measure to his love,
  Nor ever any limit to it;
He is asking where to have mercy,
  He loves to be merciful;
Mercy to the destitute
  Who abide in him.

It is to be sung and to be sung,
  In a vast eternity,
If one pilgrim is to be seen,
  So faint at the end of his journey;
And beaten in tempests,
  And washed in the blood,
Who was found and who was kept,
  Through free salvation.
tr. 2009,20 Richard B Gillion
(The Cross a Crown)
My Lord with his affliction,
  His cross and bitter pain,
Affords me joy while living,
  And dying will be gain.
In his reproach is honour,
  In his rude cross a crown,
And in his love a treasure
  Surpassing all renown.             [JM]

Oh, let me feel
    his dear love,
  Which is a boundless sea,
Attracting my soul above,
  O Lord my God, to Thee.
Let the rays of righteousness,
  The bright, heavenly light,
Cheer my weak and fainting heart,
  And bring heaven near and bright.  [EG]

            - - - - -

My Lord with his affliction,
  His cross and bitter pain,
Affords me joy while living,
  And dying will be gain.
In his reproach is honour,
  In his rude cross a crown,
And in his love a treasure
  Surpassing all renown.             [JM]

Oh, let me feel his dear love,
  Which is a boundless sea,
Attracting my soul above,
  O Lord my God, to Thee.
Let the rays of righteousness,
  The bright, heavenly light,
Cheer my weak and fainting heart,
  And bring heaven near and bright.  [EG]

            - - - - -

My Lord with his affliction,
  His cross and bitter pain,
Affords me joy while living,
  And dying will be gain.
In his reproach is honour,
  In his rude cross a crown,
And in his love a treasure
  Surpassing all renown.             [JM]

JM: tr. 1854 Joseph Morris
EG: tr.
Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [7676D]: Meirionydd (William Lloyd 1786-1852)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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