Mae Crist y Meddyg mawr

(Y Meddyg Da - Gwyl Sant Luc - Hydref 28)
  Mae Crist y Meddyg mawr,
    Yn gwella pob rhyw glwy';
  Dyneswn ato'n awr,
    Heb oedi dim yn hwy;
Yr enaid clwyfus caiff wellhad,
Mae meddyginiaeth Duw yn rhad.

  Iacháu cenhedloedd byd,
    Trwy rinwedd
          gwaed y groes,
  Mae'r Meddyg mawr o hyd
    Heb ball, o oes i oes;
Diderfyn, fel ehangder nef,
Ei allu a'i ewyllys Ef.

  Mewn cydymdeimlad llwyr
    Y gwrendy ar y gwael,
  A'r hwn sy'n ceisio, gŵyr
    Ba le mae Ef i'w gael;
Mae'n agos atom i'n gwellhau,
A'i gydymdeimlad yn parhau.

  Anturiwn oll, yn llawn
    O hyder, at ei draed,
  A meddyginiaeth gawn
    Trwy rin ei
          werthfawr waed;
Dan glwyfau pechod o bob rhyw
Awn ato Ef, a byddwn fyw.
Robert Arthur Williams (Berw) 1854-1926

Tonau [666688]:
Carmel (o Thomas Tallis 1505-85)
Gwladys (alaw Gymreig)
Ramoth (J R Jones 1765-1822)

(The Good Physician - Saint Luke's Day - 18th October)
  Christ the great Physician is
    Healing every kind of wound;
  Let us draw near to him now,
    Without delay any longer;
The wounded soul may get made better,
The medical treatment of God is free.

  Healing the nations of the world,
    Through the merit of
          the blood of the cross,
  The great Physician is still
    Without failure, from age to age;
Endless, like the breadth of heaven,
His power and His will.

  In complete sympathy
    He listens to the poor,
  And he who seeks Him knows
    Where He is to be found;
He is near to us to make us better,
And his sympathy endures.

  Let us all venture, full
    Of boldness, to his feet,
  And medical treatment let us get
    Through the message of his
          precious blood;
Under the wounds of sin of every kind
Let us go to Him, and we shall live.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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