Mae cwmwl mawr o dystion

Mae cwmwl mawr o dystion
Mae cwmwl mawr o dystion,
  Yn iach yr ochor draw,
I'n Harglwydd a fu'n ffyddlon,
  Ym myd y poen a'r braw;
Yn ôl eu traed dilynwn,
  Trwy dir y blinder maith;
Ar air ein Harglwydd pwyswn,
  Nes dod i ben y daith.

Er myn'd trwy fflam a dyfroedd,
  Medd gair ein Iesu glân,
"Ni'th foddir yn y moroedd,
  "Ni'th losgir gan y tân;"
Fe rydd lawn waredigaeth,
  I'w eiddo cyn bo hir;
Cânt seinio "Iachawdwriaeth,"
  O fewn i'r nefol dir.
ein Harglwydd pwyswn :: ein Duw hyderwn

Thomas Jones 1756-1820

Tonau [8787D]:
Caerlleon (alaw Gymreig)
Gräfenberg (alaw Königsburg 1540)
Ty'ncwm / Komm Seele (J W Franck 1641-88?)

gwelir: Mae torf aneirif wiwlon

There is a great cloud of witnesses,
  Healthy on the far side,
To the Lord who was faithful,
  In a world of pain and the treachery;
In his footprints let us follow,
  Through the land of the vast distress;
On the word of our Lord let us lean,
  Until coming to the end of the journey.

Although going through flame and waters,
  The word of our holy Jesus says,
"Thou art not to be drowned in the seas,
  "Thou art not to be burned by the fire;"
He will give full deliverance,
  To his own before long;
They may get to sound "Salvation,"
  Within the heavenly land.
our Lord let us lean :: our God let us boast

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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