Mae Cyfaill i blant bychain

There's a friend for little children

Mae Cyfaill i blant bychain
  Fry uwch yr awyr las,
Gwir Gyfaill nad yw'n newid,
  Diderfyn yw ei ras;
Cyffeillion gorau'r ddaear
  Newidiol ŷnt i gyd,
Ond dyma Gyfaill teilwng
  O gael ein serch a'n bryd.

Mae cartref i blant bychain
  Fry uwch yr awyr las,
Oddi yno mae yr Iesu
  Yn rhoddi hedd a gras;
'D oes gartref ar y ddaear
  Yn debyg i'r un fry;
Mae pawb yn ddedwydd yno,
  Yn moli'r Iesu cu.

Mae coron i blant bychain
  Fry uwch yr awyr las,
Y rhai sy'n parchu'r Iesu
  Gan wrthod pechod cas;
A phawb sydd yn ei garu,
  A'i ddilyn ar y llawr,
Coronau glân gogoniant
  A gânt gan Iesu mawr.

Mae telyn i blant bychain
  Fry uwch yr awyr las,
I ganu'r nefol anthem
  Am ryfeddodau gras;
Fry, fry mae pob pleserau
  Gan Iesu yn y nef;
Dewch ato'n awr, blant bychain,
  Cewch bobeth gydag Ef.
cyf. James Morris 1826-84

Tôn [7676D]: In Memoriam (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)

There is a Friend for little children
  Up above the blue sky,
A true Friend who is not changing
  Endless is is grace;
The best friends of the earth
  Are all changeable;
But here is a Friend worthy
  Of our affection and our attention.

There is a home for little children
  Up above the blue sky,
From there Jesus is
  Giving peace and grace;
There is no home in the earth
  Like the one above;
Everyone is happy there,
  Praising dear Jesus.

There is a crown for little children
  Up above the blue sky,
For those who are revering Jesus
  By rejecting detestable sin;
And all who love him,
  And follow him on the earth below,
Shall get crowns of glory
  From great Jesus.

There is a harp for little children
  Up above the blue sky,
To sing the heavenly anthem
  About the wonders of grace;
Up above are all pleasures
  From Jesus in heaven;
Come to him now, little children,
  Ye shall get everything from him.

tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
There's a friend for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
A friend who never changes,
  Whose love will never die;
Our earthly friends may fail us,
  And change with changing years,
This friend is always worthy
  Of that dear name He bears.

There's a home for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
Where Jesus reigns in glory,
  A home of peace and joy
No home on earth is like it,
  Nor can with it compare;
For everyone is happy
  Nor could be happier there.

There's a crown for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
And all who look for Jesus
  Shall wear it by and by;
A crown of brightest glory,
  Which He will then bestow
On those who found his favour
  And loved His name below.

There's a robe for little children
  Above the bright blue sky,
And a harp of sweetest music,
  And palms of victory.
All, all above is treasured,
  And found in Christ alone:
O come, dear little children
  That all may be your own.
Albert Midlane 1825-1909
Good News for the Little Ones, December 1859.

Tunes [86767676]:
Edengrove (1874 Samuel Smith 1821-1917)
In Memoriam (1875 John Stainer 1840-1901)
Ingrave (The English Hymnal 1906)
Las Flores (1899 George J Ferreira)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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